**Major Restructuring**, including the following:
* What used to be the `jaide.py` CLI script has now been broken up into several files for modularity and extensibility:
* core.py is the base framework, and includes the new Jaide() class that can be imported and used in other python scripts/packages for manipulating Junos devices.
* cli.py is the command line interface utility, and is what the user directly interfaces with using the new `jaide` command.
* wrap.py is the middle man between core.py and cli.py that provides the error-handling and pretty-printing of output from the Jaide class object that the CLI wants to show to the user.
* The Jaide GUI has been separated into it's own [package](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/jaidegui) and [github repo](https://github.com/NetworkAutomation/jaidegui) for ease of tracking GUI specific docs/changes.
* Jaide is now utilizes setuptools for installing the package into the target python environment.
* This allows the Jaide CLI tool to be available system-wide due to setuptools installing the `jaide` command into the OS PATH variable.
* Because Jaide uses setuptools now, it is also available via pip!
* Two new commands have been added, allowing [comparison of the configuration between two devices](examples/cli/diff-config.md) and [comparing a list of set commands against the running config](examples/cli/show-compare.md).
* The Jaide CLI tool now uses `click` instead of `argparse`, for a better CLI experience. This has modified how the jaide command is used. Refer to the [documentation](usage.md) for the Jaide CLI tool and the CLI examples documentation.
* Getting basic device info now also includes system uptime and current time.
* Better Health Check support for EX2200-C and SRX series devices.
* new --quiet option for CLI to suppress all output.
* Better error handling for bad xpath expressions.
* Adding several testing and building scripts in the source code /testing folder to make our development lies easier.
* Many changes to bring us in line with PEP 8 and PEP 257.
* Many documentation changes, including using `mkdocs` for easy generation.
* All docs are now posted on [Read The Docs](http://jaide.readthedocs.org/) as well.