2018-05-11 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Add subsection 'Value Added Information' in README
* Installation instructions updated
2018-05-09 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Add attribute original_name for all networks
2018-05-02 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Add long_description in setup.py
* Transfer of ownership from Andrey Popp for jaws pip package
* Package released on PyPI. JAWS can now be installed using `pip install jaws`
2018-04-30 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* pip install matplotlib in travis.yaml
* indent correction for sys.exit
* git tag -a 0.3.4 -m 'beta01: analysis.py called from jaws'; git push --tags
* Update analysis instructions on homepage
* conda update command corrected
2018-04-27 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Rename GCNET to GCNet
* Add new badges on Homepage
* Rename and move analysis args to jaws.py
* setup function defined in analysis.py
* main function defined in analysis.py and called in jaws.py
* provide args as argument to each plot function
* Rename args.plot and args.input in analysis.py
* Import matplotlib in test.py
2018-04-24 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* PROMICE- update long_name of shortwave_radiation_down_cor, shortwave_radiation_up_cor and depth_pressure_transducer_cor
* Add jaws.bat script to call jaws from command line in Windows
* git tag -a 0.3.3 -m 'alpha03: Add jaws.bat script for Windows'; git push --tags
2018-04-23 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Remove 'Obtaining JAWS' section and update example with links for sample input files
* PROMICE- update long_name of relative_humidity_wrtwater
* PROMICE- update long_name and standard_name of cloud_cover
* GCNet- Add standard name for all variables having snow temperature
2018-04-19 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Correct import statements for Python2
* if __name__ == '__main__' in jaws.py
* git tag -a 0.3.2 -m 'alpha02: import statements compatible with python2'; git push --tags
* Update installation instructions and example
2018-04-18 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Rename IMAU sample files
* Update IMAU variable, long_name and standard_name
* Add MANIFEST.in to include package data
* Add sub-directories of resources to MANIFEST.in
* Released version 0.3 "Whale Shark": JAWS installable via conda-forge
* Remove old individual analysis scripts (annual_cycle.py, climatological_seasonal_cycle.py, monthy_diurnal.py, monthy_values.py)
* Move analysis.py to jaws/jaws to make it available in conda package
* git tag -a 0.3.1 -m 'alpha01: Remove unnecessary directories'; git push --tags
2018-04-17 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Rename source directory as jaws
* Replace source with jaws in import statements
* Replace source with jaws in test.py
* Update data_files in setup.py
* git tag -a 0.2.7 -m 'Broadnose Catshark: source directory renamed as jaws'; git push --tags
2018-04-16 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Define function start to be called in entry_points
* Update entry_points in setup.py
* Update build scripts to avoid creating separate directory for non-python files
* Update build requirements in meta.yaml
* Update import of modules for conda install
* Update version in setup.py
* git tag -a 0.2.6 -m 'Atlantic Ghost Catshark: 'jaws' shell script calls jaws.py, entry_points defined in setup.py'; git push --tags
2018-04-15 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Skip copying jaws script from build.sh
* Add list of variable names to be standardized
2018-04-14 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Remove __init__.py from top level directory
* Move source/jaws shell script to bin/jaws
* Add entry_points to setup.py
* git tag -a 0.2.5 -m 'Spined Pygmy Shark: IMAU (ant and grl) conversion complete'; git push --tags
2018-04-12 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Rename IMAU-ant stations
* Add IMAU-grl stations
* Update variable to get station name from filename
2018-04-11 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Add columns for IMAU-grl
* Add ds.json for IMAU-grl
* Add encoding.json for IMAU-grl
* Add temperature_keys for IMAU-grl
* IMAU conversion complete for both Antarctic and Greenland stations
* Work on building conda-forge package and setting path for ENV variable
2018-04-10 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* IMAUant- define get_station function
* IMAUant- get latitude, longitude and station_name
* Move function get_month_day to common.py
* IMAUant- define derive_times function
* IMAUant- get time, time_bounds and sza
* IMAUant- get month and day
* Ignore all .pyc files
* Call imauant2nc in dispatch_converter
* IMAUant- rename 'hour' to 'hour_mult_100' to avoid conflict
* Move function get_fillvalue to common.py
* Create new directory source/resources/imau/ant
* Move all files from source/resources/imauant/ to source/resources/imau/ant/
* Remove imauant directory
* Rename imauant to imau/ant to find correct path for files
* Rename function imauant2nc to imau2nc
* Rename script imauant2nc.py to imau2nc.py
* Detect sub-type of IMAU network based on number of columns in input file
2018-04-09 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* IMAUant- define get_time_and_sza function
* IMAUant- rename hour_of_day to hour
* Work on conda-forge package
2018-04-08 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Add IMAUant stations to lat/lon list
2018-04-07 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* IMAUant column names defined
* Remove imau2nc.py
* IMAUant- define init_dataframe function
* IMAUant- define get_fillvalue function
* IMAUant- update column names
* IMAUant- add ds.json
* IMAUant- add encoding.json
* IMAUant- add function imaunt2nc
2018-04-05 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Correct column name for num_rows calculation
* Calculate day_of_year from timestamp
* Hour range from 0-23
* Work on conda-forge package
* git tag -a 0.2.4 -m 'African Lanternshark: Conda install, Appveyor, plot accept generic files'; git push --tags
2018-04-04 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Add 'day_of_year' variable for PROMICE annual plot analysis
* Replace jdt with doy(day_of_year) in analysis.py for standard name across all networks
* Use ylabel from input file
* AAWS- update get_time_and_sza function to derive values for analysis plots
2018-04-03 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Appveyor integrate with 'jaws'
* Add Appveyor badge to homepage
* Add Travis badge to homepage
* Remove environments with CONDA_NPY: 114
* Remove python 3.5 from Travis
* Update images on homepage
* Update version and build requirements
* Work in progress on plots
2018-04-02 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Install with conda instead of pip in Travis
* Update code with new long name of args
* Install jaws script in conda bin directory
* Avoid setuptools to install dependencies
* Debug conda-forge build
2018-03-30 Charlie Zender <zenderuci.edu>
* Add shell command jaws to invoke jaws.py
2018-03-29 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Add data_files in setup.py()
* Downgrade to Anaconda 4.4.0 to build conda package successfuly. Install command: conda install jaws jaws
* git tag -a 0.2.3 -m 'Shorttail Lanternshark: Compression support'; git push --tags
2018-03-28 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Add test for compression
* Add test for all options together
* Rename compression option as '-L/--dfl_lvl/--dfl/--deflate' (acc to NCO)
2018-03-27 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Debug in progress for conda package
* Changed calender attribute to 'standard' in time variable for all networks
2018-03-26 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Conda package built but having errors while instatlling. Debugging it
* Slides for interim review updated
2018-03-23 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Added new command line argument compression
* GCNet- time calculation corrected for jdt>365
* git tag -a 0.2.2 -m 'Green Lanternshark: Restructured code and separated static information in new directory source/resources'; git push --tags
2018-03-22 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* PROMICE- defined function get_fillvalue
* PROMICE- defined function init_dataframe to get df from common.py
* PROMICE- Added aliases.txt file having different station names
* PROMICE- defined function get_station
* PROMICE- defined function get_time_and_sza
* PROMICE- defined function get_ice_velocity
* PROMICE- defined function fill_ice_velocity
* PROMICE- defined function convert_coordinates for lat_GPS and lon_GPS
* PROMICE- updated promice2nc to get values from newly defined functions
2018-03-21 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* GCNet- defined function get_time_and_sza
* GCNet- moved function get_month_day outside of gcnet2nc
* GCNet- defined function derive_times
* common.py- defined function log to keep track of debugging messages
* GCNet- updated gcnet2nc to get values from newly defined functions
* AAWS- defined function get_fillvalue
* AAWS- defined function init_dataframe to get df from common.py
* AAWS- defined function get_station
* AAWS- defined function get_time_and_sza
* AAWS- updated aaws2nc to get values from newly defined functions
2018-03-20 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Created column names file in resources directory of each network
* common.py: Defined function load_dataframe
* GCNet- init_dataframe function to get df from common.py
* GCNet- defined function to get _FillValue
* GCNet- defined function to get station_name
* GCNet- created json file for quality control variables
* common.py- defined function to parse lat, lon, stn name
* function load_ds_attrs split into load_dataset_attributes and read_ordered_json
* GCNet- defined function to split quality control variables
2018-03-19 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Work in progress on analysis scripts
2018-03-16 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Conda package created and uploaded to anaconda.org
* Working on more tests
* Worked on Interim Report presentation
2018-03-15 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Moved encoding for all networks to json files
* Created common function get_encoding to retrieve encoding from respective json files
* Moved attributes for all networks to ds.json files
* Created common function load_ds_attrs to retrieve attributes from respective json files
* Re-ordered attributes (Closed issue 66)
* Captilazed value of long_name attributes (Closed issue 67)
2018-03-14 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Work in progress on debugging file matching error in jaws.py
* Added overview and plots in slides
* Worked on conda package
2018-03-14 Charlie Zender <zenderuci.edu>
* Change time long_name to Time
* Add long_name to latitude/longitude
* Reword time_convention
2018-03-13 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* created function 'convert_to_dataset' for testing
* Added tests for input/output file parsing/generation
* Define parent class for converter testers
* sample converted files added
2018-03-12 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Defined function to get input file from args
* Created function to get output filename
* Added a dedicated dispatch function which decides which converter to call
* Working on writing more tests
2018-03-09 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Created new function for argument parsing
* Define function to get relative path based on location of file
* Move station_dict data to resources/stations.txt
* Add function to read and parse stations.txt file
* Worked on Interim Report presentation
2018-03-08 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Configured `jaws` with Travis-CI
* Resolved bug in test file
* Work in progress to refactor and functionalize code, to define more tests
2018-03-07 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Tests completed to check conversion of files for individual modules
* Tests made compatible with all platforms and python versions
* Working to refactor and functionalize code, to define more tests
2018-03-06 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Worked on test cases for jaws as well as individual modules
* Tests completed for jaws.py to check format options works correctly as well as station_name option
2018-03-05 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* PROMICE- created new dictionary to store station_names; latitude and longitude to hash values from promice_dict
* Work in progress on unit-tests
* Debug level argument details added
2018-03-02 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* 'unicode' data type added in encoding for text-valued variables to use strings not character arrays for netCDF4 files
* LICENSE file added
* Added new fields in setup.py file to provide package description
* entry_points added in meta.yaml file to include scripts
* git tag -a 0.2.1 -m 'Panama Catshark: Implementing xarray and pandas'; git push --tags
2018-03-01 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Worked on conda package to include executables
* Learnt about packaging python scripts
2018-02-28 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Conda package created locally, still working on it
* NASA GFSC course completed
* Work in progress on making plot scripts accept generic files
2018-02-27 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Verbose level 3,4,5,6 added
* Code restructered
* Work in progress on conda package
* time calculation common code functionalized
* default value added for argument dbg_lvl
2018-02-26 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Resolved error in gcnet_grip having julian_decimal_time value of 367. Generalized for any value greater than 366.
* Option '-a/--analysis' renamed to '-d/--derive_times'
* Worked on conda package
* Added new argument '-D/--dbg_lvl'
* Level 1 and 2 done. Rest in progress
2018-02-23 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Resolved issue of unsynchronized time
* lat and lon calculation optimized for GCNet and AAWS
* station_dict- order of keys updated
* Tried different methods on making netCDF4 files use strings not character arrays, nothing worked. Asked question on SO
* corrected longitude values
2018-02-22 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Added _Fillvalue for float data type
* PROMICE- gps variables data-types changed
* Renamed global constants like convert_temp
* analysis.py - print meaningful error messages and restructured code
* analysis.py - month changed to month_derived to avoid conflict
* jaws.py - op_file code condensed and optimized
2018-02-21 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Global constants moved to common.py
* Added functionality to change fillvalue_double from command line
* Data types changed for all networks
* JAWS bi-weekly meeting
2018-02-15 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Changed the command line arguments according to NCO documentation
* Print helpful error messages when input file does not exist
* IMAU raw files (both antartica and greenland) placed on grele at /users/sainiak/data/jaws/imau/raw/
* Worked on converting IMAU data. Still in progress
* Read about invoking automatic testing and conda packaging
2018-02-14 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Added the default netCDF _FillValue for all variables
* Functionalized data writing code
* Common variables moved to jaws.py
* num_lines calculation changed
* Used localize function from pytz to correct timezone calculations
2018-02-13 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Resolved bug related to timezone
* PROMICE- station long names included
* PROMICE- timezone functionality added
* GCNet- Added _FillValue for julian_decimal_time
* PROMICE- lat_lon_GPS calculation changed to reduce run time
2018-02-13 Charlie Zender <zenderuci.edu>
* Add pandas to dependency list
2018-02-12 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* station_dict made ordered to be compatible with Python 2
* analysis - indexing corrected
* Added functionality to choose timezone from command line
* Added new argument 'analysis' to calculate day and month in GCNet, only if user wants to do further analysis
* Plot errors corrected, all plots are now running
2018-02-11 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* PROMICE- lat_lon_GPS calculation corrected
* PROMICE- ice_velocity_GPS calculation corrected
* Variables intialization code restructured
* GCNet- time recalculated using strptime to reduce runtime
* Time calculation made compatible with Python 2
* Worked on making lat_lon_GPS conversion faster. Still in progress
2018-02-09 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Hour exception adjusted in GCNet
* Implemented xarray to write the data for PROMICE
* GCNet- station number made scalar
* Naked constatns removed in GCNet and AAWS
2018-02-08 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* AAWS- time calculation condensed
* Implemented xarray to write the data for GCNet
* GCNet- quality control variables' calculation condensed
* GCNet- Resolved issue of qc_25 variable error
2018-02-07 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Implemented xarray to write the data for AAWS
* Asked questions about derived variables calculation on SO
2018-02-06 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* GCNet - Hour calculation made faster
* AAWS- using pandas to convert the data
* Common function defined to get data from the raw files
* GCNet - implemented another approach for calculating quality control variables but not much runtime difference. Will ask on SO tommorow
* PROMICE - using pandas to convert the data
* Read xarray documentation and best practices
2018-02-05 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* GCNet - Used pandas to copy data from ascii file, runtime decreased by huge factor. Work in progress, need to implement for calculated variables.
* GCNet- Hour calculation condensed
* Completed 3 required courses of NASA training
2018-02-02 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Changed string matching to float in PROMICE and AAWS
* Removed naked constants in GCNet in PROMICE and AAWS
* time and time_bounds calculation changed in PROMICE and AAWS
* Created and calculated new variables year, month, day, hour in AAWS
* time_calc(for calculating time) and solar(for calculating solar zenith angle) common functions defined in common.py
* Rearranged code
2018-02-01 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Condensed calculation of day and month in GCNet
* time_calc function defined to calculate time
* Changed string matching of missing values to float
* Removed naked constants in GCNet
* Hour calculation uses numeric calculations instead of string
2018-01-31 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Canonical ordering fixed
* Error handling if no input provided
* Global attribute 'time_convention' added
* Station name to be retrieved frm input file in analysis.py
* Analysis plot debugged and working fine now
2018-01-30 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Output name for GCNet files will now be 'gcnet_station-name' if the input name of file is default of GCNet (e.g.: 01c.txt)
* Images moved to grele webserver and completely expunged from repository. Links updated in README.
* GCNet station names edited for all the raw files to have the convention 'networkname_stationname_startdate_enddate'. Changes made on grele and jaws.
* Worked on fixing canonical ordering. In progress
* News section added in README
2018-01-29 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Group meeting and bi-weekly JAWS meeting
* Computed x and y components of GPS-derived ice velocity
* Worked on debugging analysis plots, not working properly. Still in progress
* Looked for ways to provide reference for files from remote server(grele) and make it publicly available. Still in progress.
2018-01-26 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Calculated GPS-derived ice velocity using haversine formula for stations that archive GPS position
* Downloaded and explored datasets from DMI and ASAIQ
* Some datasets didn't convert after new changes, debugged GCNet and AAWS code to make changes
* Updated instructions about optional arguments in analysis example section
2018-01-25 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Used PySolar to calculate solar zenith angle in Python 3, worked on debugging for Python 2, later found that functions used in calculation aren't supported in Python 2
* Explored other modules including SunPy, sun-position and PyEphem. Used sun-position to calculate sza as it worked well for all the stations and both Python versions
* In GCNet and PROMICE, changed time calculation to seconds since 1970 to make it common across all networks
* Generalized common variables' attributes
* Added attributes for derived quality control variables in GCNet
2018-01-24 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Identified all unique post decimal values for julian time in hour calculation and corrected the code accordingly
* Added option to choose year and month for analysis plots
* Added more GCNet stations to the lat, long table
* Generealized code for all different analysis plot in a single file
* Updated Readme with analysis example
2018-01-23 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* station_name retrieved using full names instead of single characters for all networks
* Code generalized for station_name provided through argument
* count variable calculation optimised using list comprehension
* Dictionary created to store lat, lon, and long_name for all stations of all networks. Values for variables are retrieved using this table
* CPU pegged during GCNET conversion for one station. Debugged time variable calculation and corrected the error.
2018-01-23 Charlie Zender <zenderuci.edu>
* Add features to L3 value-added science list
2018-01-22 Ajay Saini <sainiakuci.edu>
* Corrected calculation of hour in GCNET to accomodate different values after decimal in different files
* Common NC file setup code moved to jaws.py
* count variable calculation optimised using list comprehension
* Dimensions and common variables moved to jaws.py