
Latest version: v0.8.6

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- Wrapped two gradient-free optimizers from scipy: Nelder-Mead and Powell. They are available as `jax_fdm.optimizers.NelderMead` and `jax_fdm.optimizers.Powell`, respectively.
- Linked two evolutionary optimizers from scipy They are available as `jax_fdm.optimizers.DualAnnealing` and `jax_fdm.optimizers.DifferentialEvolution`.
- Added support for kwargs in `LossPlotter.plot()`. The kwargs control the parameters of the equilibrium model used to plot the loss history.
- Added `VertexSupportParameter.index()`. This change might appear redundant, but it was necessary to deal with the method resolution order of the parent classes of `VertexSupportParameter`.
- Added `VertexGroupSupportParameter.index()` for similar reasons as the listed above.


- Changed `datastructure.print_stats()` to report positive and negative forces separately.
- Turned off display in `TruncatedNewton`.
- Fixed bug in `OptimizationRecorder`. The recorder did not know how to record optimization history without an explictly initialized optimizer.
- Deprecated `jax_fdm.optimization.optimizers.scipy` in favor of `jax_fdm.optimization.optimizers.gradient_based`.
- Fixed bug. Return early in `NetworkArtist.edge_width()` if the artist edges list is empty.
- Fixed bug in `EdgesForceEqualGoal.prediction()`: the normalization mean of compressive edge forces was a negative number. This led to negative normalized variance values, which was plainly incorrect.
- `VertexGroupSupportParameter` inherits from `VertexGroupParameter` instead of `NodeGroupParameter`. This was a bug.






- Removed `compas_singular` from dependencies list. That package has been archived and it is not used in `jax_fdm` source code; only in a couple examples.



- Added `NetworkSmoothGoal` to smoothen the shape of a network based on the fairness energy of its nodes w.r.t. their immediate neighborhood.
- Implemented `Graph.adjacency` to access the connectivity among nodes/vertices to compute new goals.
- Added `adjacency_matrix` as numpy-only function to assemble `Graph.adjacency`. The function is largely inspired by `compas.matrices.adjacency_matrix`.


- Now we use `time.perf_counter` instead of `time.time` to measure logic execution time more accurately.




- Implemented `EdgeLoadPathGoal`.


Floating-point arithmetic
- Updated how to enable double floating precision (`float64`) to comply with changes of `jax.config` in `jax==0.4.25`.

- Fixed duplicated fixed point iteration in `EquilibriumModel.equilibrium_iterative`. This led to unnecessarily long runtimes. This change also fixes the "mysterious" bug that made `jaxopt` implicit differentiation incompatible with sparse matrices.

- `LossPlotter` exposes `plot_legend` to choose whether or not to show legend with curve labels.
- `FDNetworkArtist` takes absolute force density values to calculate viz colors in `"fd"` mode.
- Fixed bug in `FDNetworkViewerArtist` that threw error when inputing a custom list of edges to display. The problem was that the artist could not find the width of all the edges connected to a node because `edge_width` is only computed for the custom list of edges. The artist was expecting a dictionary with _all_ the edge widths.
- Package `compas-notebook` became an optional dependency because it does not support `compas<2.0` anymore.




- Implemented `LogMaxError`. The goal of this error function is to work as a barrier soft constraint for target maximum values. One good use example would be to restrict the height of a shell to a maximum height.





- Added support for efficient reverse-mode AD of the calculation of equilibrium states in the presence of shape-dependent loads, via implicit differentiation. Forward-mode AD is pending.
- Added `EquilibriumModel.equilibrium_iterative` to compute equilibrium states that have shape-dependent edge and face loads using fixed point iteration.
- Added `EquiibriumModel.edges_load` and `EquiibriumModel.faces_load` to allow computation of edge and face loads.
- Implemented `EquilibriumModelSparse.stiffness_matrix`.
- Implemented `EquilibriumModel.stiffness_matrix`.
- Implemented `EquilibriumModel.force_matrix`.
- Implemented `EquilibriumModel.force_fixed_matrix`.
- Added `linearsolve_fn`, `itersolve_fn`, `implicit_diff`, and `verbose` as attributes of `EquilibriumModel`.
- Added `Equilibrium.load_nodes_iter` as attribute to include the node loads in `LoadState.nodes` when running `EquilibriumModel.equilibrium_iterative()`. Defaults to `False`.

- Restored `vectors` field in `EquilibriumState`.
- Implemented `equilibrium.states.LoadState`.
- Implemented `equilibrium.states.EquilibriumParametersState`.

- Implemented `solver_anderson`, to find fixed points of a function with `jaxopt.AndersonAcceleration`. The implicit differentiation operator of the solver provided by `jaxopt` is deactivated when using `EquilibriumModelSparse` because `jaxopt` does not support sparse matrices yet.
- Defined a `jax.custom_vjp` for `fixed_point`, an interface function that solves for fixed points of a function for different root-finding solver types: `solver_fixedpoint`, `solver_forward`, and `solver_newton`.
- Implemented `solver_fixedpoint`, a function that wraps `jaxopt.FixedPointIterator` to calculate static equilibrium iteratively.
- Implemented `solver_forward`, to find fixed points of a function using an `equinox.while_loop`.
- Implemented `solver_netwon`, to find fixed points of a function using Newton's method.

- Added `equilibrium.loads` module to enable support for edge and face-loads, which correspond to line and area loads, respectively.
These two load types can be optionally become follower loads setting the `is_local` input flag to `True`. A follower load will update its direction iteratively, according to the local coordinate system of an edge or a face at an iteration. The two main functions that enable this feature are `loads.nodes_load_from_faces` and `loads.nodes_load_from_edges`. These functions are wrapped by `EquilibriumModel` under `EquiibriumModel.edges_load` and `EquiibriumModel.faces_load`.
- Implemented `equilibrium.loads.nodes_`.

- Report standard deviation in `FDDatastructure.print_stats()`.
- Added constructor method `FDNetwork.from_mesh`.
- Added `FDMesh.face_lcs` to calculate the local coordinaty system of a mesh face.
- Added `datastructures.FDDatastructure.edges_loads`.
- Added `datastructures.FDMesh`.
- Added `datastructures.Datastructure`.
- Implemented `structures.EquilibriumStructureMeshSparse`.
- Implemented `structures.EquilibriumStructureMesh`.
- Implemented `structures.Mesh`.
- Implemented `structures.MeshSparse`.
- Implemented `structures.Graph`.
- Implemented `structures.GraphSparse`.
- Added `FDNetwork.is_edge_fully_supported`.
- Added `EquilibriumMeshStructure.from_mesh` with support for inhomogenous faces (i.e. faces with different number of vertices). The solution is to pad the rows of the `faces` 2D array with `-1` to match `max_num_vertices`.


- Implemented `NetworkXYZLaplacianGoal`.
- Implemented base class `MeshGoal`.
- Implemented `MeshXYZLaplacianGoal`.
- Implemented `MeshXYZFaceLaplacianGoal`.
- Implemented `MeshAreaGoal`.
- Implemented `MeshFacesAreaEqualizeGoal`.

- Added `optimization.Optimizer.loads_static` attribute to store edge and face loads during optimization.

- Added `polygon_lcs` to compute the local coordinate system of a closed polygon.
- Added `line_lcs` to compute the local coordinate system of a line.
- Added `nan` gradient guardrail to `normalize_vector` calculations.

- Added support for mesh vertex parameters.

- Added explicit array integer types in `__init__`: `DTYPE_INT_NP` and `DTYPE_INT_JAX`

Sparse solver
- Set `spsolve_gpu_ravel` as the default sparse solver on GPUs (`spsolve_gpu`).
- Added `spsolve_gpu_ravel` to solve the FDM linear system all at once on GPUs.
- Implemented helper function `sparse_blockdiag_matrix` to `spsolve_gpu_ravel`.

- Added `plotters/VectorArtist` to custom plot loads and reactions arrows.
- Implemented `LossPlotter._print_error_stats` to report loss breakdown of error terms.



- The functions `fdm` and `constrained_fdm` take iterative equilibrium parameters as function arguments.
- The functions `fdm` and `constrained_fdm` can take an `FDMesh` as input, in addition to `FDNetwork`.

Sparse solver
- Decoupled `sparse_solver` from any force density calculations. Now, it is a simpler solver that only takes as inputs the LHS matrix `A` and the RHS matrix `b`, and thus, it could be used to potentially solve any sparse linear system of equations. Its signature now is analogous to that of `jax.numpy.linalg.solve`.
- Condensed signature of sparse linear solver `sparse_solve` to take a structure `EquilibriumStructure` as input, instead of explicit attributes of a structure.
- Changed signature of `sparse_solve_bwd` to take two arguments, where the first is the "residual" values produced on the forward pass by ``fwd``, and the second is the output cotangent with the same structure as the primal function output (`sparse_solve`).
- Condensed signature of helper functions `sparse_solve_fwd` to take matrices `A` and `b` as inputs, instead of explicit attributes of the FDM and of a `EquilibriumStructure`.
- Renamed previous verison of `spsolve_gpu` to `spsolve_gpu_stack`.

- Added support for `jnp.nan` inputs in the calculations of `geometry.normal_polygon`.

- Changed signature of `Regularizer.__call__` to take in parameters instead of equilibirum state.

- Overhauled `EquilibriumStructure` and `EquilibriumStructureSparse`. They are subclasses `equinox.Module`, and now they are meant to be immutable. They also have little idea of what an `FDNetwork` is.
- Modified `face_matrix` adjacency matrix creation function to skip -1 vertices. This is to add support for `MeshStructures` that have faces with different number of vertices.

- Use `jax.value_and_grad(loss_fn(x))` instead of using `loss_fn(x)` and `jax.grad(loss_fn(x))` separately. This results in optimization speedup because we get both value and grad with a single VJP call.
- `Optimizer.problem` takes an `FDNetwork` as input.
- `Optimizer.problem` takes boolean `jit_fn` as arg to disable jitting if needed.
- Changed `ParameterManager` to require an `FDNetwork` as argument at initialization.
- Changed `Parameter.value` signature. Gets value from `network` directly, not from `structure.network`
- `optimization.OptimizationRecorder` has support to store, export and import named tuple parameters.

- Fixed bug in `viewers/network_artist.py` that overshifted load arrows.
- Edge coloring considers force sign for `force` color scheme in `artists/network_artist.py`.
- Fixed bug with the coloring of reaction forces in `viewers/network_artist.py`.
- Fixed bug with the coloring of reaction forces in `artists/network_artist.py`.
- `LossPlotter` has support to plot named tuple parameters.


- Removed `EquilibriumModel.from_network`.
- Removed `sparse.force_densities_to_A`. Superseded by `EquilibriumModelSparse.stiffness_matrix`.
- Removed `sparse.force_densities_to_b`. Superseded by `EquilibriumModel.force_matrix`.
- Removed partial jitting from `Loss.__call__`.
- Removed partial jitting from `Error.__call__`.

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