- upgraded to pywebview 5.3.2 - upgraded to jinja-flowbite `0.4.dev10` - now allow desktop app to have debug context menu
- controls [PR 4](https://github.com/tschaffter/jinja-flowbite/pull/4) - Adds radio form control with option for vertical or in-line alignment. - Fixes circle_plus.jinja to be a circle plus instead of a circle with chevron arrow. - Allows configuring the value and name of a checkbox - Adds trash bin icon
- controls: input_text.jinja. Added `is_password` prop to support password capture
- controls: card.jinja. Added `controls_valign_class` to allow the use to control the card controls vertical alignment [PR 3](https://github.com/tschaffter/jinja-flowbite/pull/3)
- controls: fix bug in `table_static_row_cell.jinja`