Older Development: lake-python (subversion repository trunk)
:2013-12: and previous noted blow []_
* refactored :mod:`api.desmear` into a class: :class:`api.desmear.Desmearing`
* allows iterating one at a time
* computes ChiSqr data after iteration
* keeps record of all ChiSqr values
* added single iteration method to :mod:`api.desmear`
* added single and N desmearing iteration controls to GUI
* update plots in the GUI after each iteration by running desmear calculation in a separate thread
* provided ChiSqr v iteration plot (log-lin)
* [2000] auto-discover all extrapolation functions
* [2000] renamed packages and modules to reduce overuse of "lake"
* [2000] moved content off first page of documentation
* [2002] start to refactor all GUI code from Enthought Traits to PySide (or PyQt4)
* [2005] add package installation support
* [2006] release test data with package
* [2006] rebrand package as JLdesmear (Jemian/Lake desmearing code)
* [2009] start to use numpy.ndarray() instead of [float]
. add capability for GUI to write desmeared data to a file
. read data from CanSAS XML
. read data from HDF5/NeXus
Older Production
This documents tagged releases.
2011-08-25: lake-python-2011-08
Initial release:
* python code fully operable
* command line interface
* uses same paradigm as original FORTRAN code
* Q&A in a console session, then desmear
* tested on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux
* only uses standard Python libraries, no NumPy or SciPy
* All test data copied from legacy C and FORTRAN projects
* Documentation
* as good or better than FORTRAN manual
* could improve still with content from thesis
* graphical user interface
* provisional, demo only
* uses Enthought's Traits and Chaco
* does not write desmeared data to a file
.. [] subversion changesets are noted in square brackets
such as [2002] is change set 2002