This release requires Python >=3.6 and JupyterHub >=1.5.1.
New features added
- allow for req_keepvars_extra to be configured [295]( ([mark-tomich](, [minrk](
Bugs fixed
- Remove `which jupyterhub-singleuser` command from `SlurmSpawner.batch_script` [265]( ([t20100](, [consideRatio](
Maintenance and upkeep improvements
- TST: don't assume test user is OS user [301]( ([minrk](
- Add python 3.12 for tests [299]( ([Ph0tonic](, [consideRatio](
- maint: req py36+ and jh 1.5.1+, fix tests, add, add pre-commit hooks, add dependabot [273]( ([consideRatio](, [mbmilligan](, [ryanlovett](, [yuvipanda](, [mahendrapaipuri](
- Upgrade to JupyterHub 4 [267]( ([mahendrapaipuri](, [minrk](, [consideRatio](
- Remove reading/setting HubAuth SSL attributes in singeuser [259]( ([cmd-ntrf](, [consideRatio](
- Fix Slurm test used regular expression [256]( ([t20100](, [consideRatio](
- Quell async warning, and POST with body for jupyterhub 3.0 [247]( ([ryanlovett](, [mbmilligan](, [rcthomas](, [minrk](, [jbeal-work](, [mawigh](, [cmd-ntrf](, [jaescartin1](
- Improve submit_batch_script logging [219]( ([cmd-ntrf](, [consideRatio](, [mbmilligan](
Documentation improvements
- Add temporary info about a temporary bug with JupyterHub 3+ [290]( ([krokicki](, [consideRatio](
Continuous integration improvements
- Modernize test matrix [252]( ([mbmilligan](
Contributors to this release
The following people contributed discussions, new ideas, code and documentation contributions, and review.
See [our definition of contributors](
([GitHub contributors page for this release](
basnijholt ([activity]( | cmd-ntrf ([activity]( | consideRatio ([activity]( | jaescartin1 ([activity]( | jbeal-work ([activity]( | krokicki ([activity]( | mahendrapaipuri ([activity]( | mark-tomich ([activity]( | mawigh ([activity]( | mbmilligan ([activity]( | minrk ([activity]( | opoplawski ([activity]( | Ph0tonic ([activity]( | rcthomas ([activity]( | ryanlovett ([activity]( | t20100 ([activity]( | yuvipanda ([activity](