of JNA to delegate partitioning to the native library. + Uses [version 1.79.0](https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_79_0/) of *Boost* for all supported platforms.
of the native library of *KaHyPar* with the *JKaHyPar* module. + Makes sure to compile *KaHyPar* in `RELEASE` mode. + Provides the native library of *KaHyPar* for Apple Silicon Macs.
+ Allows to build hypergraphs without knowing their number of vertices and hyperedges. + Allows to create (unweighted) hyperedges using lists, in addition to arrays. + Allows to get the different blocks of the computed partitions.
+ Hypergraphs can be built from source code using `HypergraphBuilder`. + Hypergraphs can be read from a file using `HypergraphParser`. + Hypergraphs can be partitioned into blocks using the `KahyparPartitioner` provided by a `KahyparContext`. + Partitioning is delegated to the native library using *Java Native Access*.