
Latest version: v2.34

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- Added organizational 'DAE solver' (`KISAO_0000699`) for collecting solvers that can solve DAE problems.
- Removed 'has characteristic' some 'differential-algebraic equation problem' from KINSOL and from 'method for solving a system of linear equations'.
- The characteristics 'differential-algebraic equation problem' and ''ordinary differential equation problem' are no longer disjoint (and in fact the former are a complete subset of the latter).


- Reorganized the steady state algorithms: moved flux balance and steady state to 'general steady state method' (`KISAO_0000630`), and others to the 'steady state root-finding method' (`KISAO_0000407`)


- Added algorithm concepts for eQuilibrator.
- Added organizational 'ODE solver' (`KISAO_0000694`) for noting in SED-ML that some solver should be used, but which is not important.
- Added 'parameters for' (`KISAO_0000695`) to indicate that the children parameters of this term are applied when the parent general term is implented as the more-specific value of this term.


- Added concepts for Metabolic Pathway Analysis
- Added top-level algorithm concept for network optimization methods and nested the Metabolic Pathway Analysis methods, flux balance methods, and resource balance analysis under this


- Added and unified aggregation functions for SED-ML L1V4
- maximum ignoring NaN (`KISAO_0000828`)
- minimum ignoring NaN (`KISAO_0000829`)
- mean ignoring NaN (`KISAO_0000825`)
- standard deviation ignoring NaN (`KISAO_0000826`)
- standard error ignoring NaN (`KISAO_0000827`)
- maximum (`KISAO_0000830`)
- minimum (`KISAO_0000840`)
- mean (`KISAO_0000841`)
- standard deviation (`KISAO_0000842`)
- standard error (`KISAO_0000843`)
- sum ignoring NaN (`KISAO_0000844`)
- sum (`KISAO_0000845`)
- product ignoring NaN (`KISAO_0000846`)
- product (`KISAO_0000847`)
- cumulative sum (`KISAO_0000848`)
- cumulative sum ignoring NaN (`KISAO_0000849`)
- cumulative product ignoring NaN (`KISAO_0000850`)
- cumulative product (`KISAO_0000851`)
- count ignoring NaN (`KISAO_0000852`): number of non-zero elements, ignoring NaN entries
- count (`KISAO_0000853`): number of non-zero elements, ignoring NaN entries
- length ignoring NaN (`KISAO_0000854`): number of elements, ignoring NaN entries
- length (`KISAO_0000855`): number of elements, ignoring NaN entries
- median ignoring NaN (`KISAO_0000856`)
- median (`KISAO_0000857`)
- variance ignoring NaN (`KISAO_0000858`)
- varianc (`KISAO_0000859`)


- Added term for number of simulation steps per simulation output needed by BioNetGen

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