
Latest version: v2.2.0

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- Koji 1.34.0 release broke API compatibility and removed some
constant values. Updated to work around this.

Closed Issues:



* Introduced the repoquery command, which will perform a dnf query on the contents of a tag or target's repository and correlate the results back to the underlying koji build.
* Fixed the affected-targets command, and switched to using tabulated output.
* Filtered some unnecessary output in the check-repo command which was showing inheritance events that didn't impact the repository.


* introduced a new [kojismokydingo.dnf](https://obriencj.preoccupied.net/koji-smoky-dingo/kojismokydingo/dnf/#module-kojismokydingo.dnf) module for working with DNF/Yum repositories
* optimized the bulk_load_tasks call to use the list version of getTaskInfo
* fixed gather_affected_targets which was backtracing


* began using GitHub Actions for CI


incompatible API exceptions as noted below


* Removes support for Python 2
* Removes support for RHEL/CentOS 6 & 7


* Adds typing annotations for majority of API
* Drops dependency on [six](https://pypi.org/project/six/)
* [AppDirs](https://pypi.org/project/appdirs/) dependency is now a hard requirement
* The `Sieve.__init__ ` method now accepts both positional and keyword options by default.
* Removed the `Sieve.receive_options` and `Sieve.set_options` methods in favor of accepting options via keyword parameters in `Sieve.__init__`
* Moved RPM comparison functions out from `kojismokydingo.common` to their own new module `kojismokydingo.rpm`
* Added `as_channelinfo`, `as_packageinfo`, `as_repoinfo`, `NoSuchPackage`, `NoSuchRepo` to the core API
* Added `ManagedClientSession.activate` to allow it to be used more conveniently without the managed interface as well
* Added `SmokyDingo.enabled` property, which loads plugin config to determine if a command should be made available or not
* Added `collect_userstats` and introduced a new ``stats`` argument to `collect_userinfo`


* Added support for more types to the `open` command: `channel`, `package`, `repo`, `build-dir`, `tag-repo-dir`, and
* Added `--print` option to the `open` command
* Made the `open` command return the return code of the URL opening executable
* Added `check-repo` command to check for repo staleness
* Added `pull-container` command to fetch container images from [OSBS|https://osbs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/users.html] builds, or to print the pullspec from same
* Added `--stats` option to the `userinfo` command to include a summary of statistics for the user


Bringing some bug fixes and minor features, here's a new release of Koji Smoky Dingo, version 1.1.0

This release adds the following:

* ``evr-high`` and ``evr-low`` build filtering sieves. Reduces builds of the same package name to a single build of either the highest or lowest EVR, respectively
* fixed backtrace in the ``latest-archives`` command where the validate function was incompletely decorating a path option
* Added ``as_channelinfo``, ``as_packageinfo``, ``as_repoinfo``, ``NoSuchPackage``, ``NoSuchRepo`` to the core API
* Added support for more types to the ``open`` command: ``channel``, ``package``, ``repo``, ``build-dir``, ``tag-repo-dir``, and ``tag-latest-dir``
* Added ``--print`` option to the open command
* Made the ``open`` command return the return code of the URL opening executable


* `koji affected—targets` Show targets which would be impacted by modifications to the given tag
* `koji block-env-var` Blocks a mock environment variable from a tag.
* `koji block-rpm-macro` Blocks a mock RPM macro from a tag.
* `koji bulk—move-builds` Move a large amount of builds, bypassing the creation of individual tasks.
* `koji bulk—tag-builds` Tag a large amount of builds, bypassing the creation of individual tasks.
* `koji bulk—untag-builds` Untag a large amount of builds, bypassing the creation of individual tasks.
* `koji cginfo` Show content generators and their permitted users
* `koji check—hosts` Show builder hosts which haven't been checking in lately
* `koji client-config` Show settings for client profiles
* `koji filter-builds` Filter a list of NVRs by various criteria
* `koji filter-tags` Filter a list of tags by various criteria
* `koji latest-archives` Show selected latest archives from a tag
* `koji list-btypes` Show build types
* `koji list-build-archives` Show selected archives attached to a build
* `koji list-cgs` Show content generators
* `koji list-component-builds` Show builds which were used to produce others
* `koji list-env-vars` Show all inherited mock environment variables for a tag
* `koji list-rpm-macros` Show all inherited mock RPM macros for a tag
* `koji list-tag-extras` Show all inherited extra fields for a tag
* `koji open` Opens a brower to the info page for data types
* `koji perminfo` Show information about a permission
* `koji remove-env-var` Removes a mock environment variable from a tag.
* `koji remove-rpm-macro` Removes a mock RPM macro from a tag.
* `koji renum—tag-inheritance` Adjust the priority values of a tag to maintain the same inheritance order, but to create an even amount of space between each entry.
* `koji set-env-var` Sets, unsets, or blocks the value of a mock environment variable on a tag.
* `koji set-rpm-macro` Sets, unsets, or blocks the value of a mock RPM macro on a tag.
* `koji swap—tag-inheritance` Adjust the inheritance of a tag by replacing one entry for another. If both entries are already parents of a tag, then swap the priority of the two.
* `koji userinfo` Show information about a user account

And the following standalone filtering commands

* `ksd-filter-builds` Similar to `koji filter-builds` but usable as a shebang
* `ksd-filter-tags` Similar to `koji filter-tagss` but usable as a shebang

The version 1 stream will continue to support Python 2 while maintaining API compatability moving forward. Version 2.0 will drop Python 2 support, and may introduce API compatability changes.

Changes from the v0.9.7 preview release:

* fixed error with strict option still being looked for from the ``list-component-builds`` command
* `filter_by_state` renamed to `filter_builds_by_state`
* `filter_by_tags` ranamed to `filter_builds_by_tags`
* `filter_imported` renamed to `filter_imported_builds`

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