
Latest version: v0.3.4

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Bug fixes
* fix one critical bug for visualization mentioned in 131 by lolipopshock in

**Full Changelog**:


Functional Updates
* Robust pdf loading for empty pages by lolipopshock in
* fix to issue 94 -- avoiding TesseractAgent.detect() inferring any sequence of digit as float by k-for-code in
* Better layout comparison by lolipopshock in
* Better visualization functions by lolipopshock in

Example Updates
* Minor update to Deep Learning Parser example notebook by Jim-Salmons in
* Set `inplace` to True in sorting function by yusanshi in
* Add notebook for customizing LayoutParser Models with Label Studio Annotation by lolipopshock in

New Contributors
* Jim-Salmons made their first contribution in
* yusanshi made their first contribution in
* k-for-code made their first contribution in

**Full Changelog**:


Important fixes for multibackend layout model support:

- Resolves the issues mentioned in 78 with other fixes to improve the multibackend layout model support 79
- Better tests for different backends 79 for preventing future related issues


- Fixes for automatically setting `label_map` in `Detectron2LayoutModel` 75
- Remove unnecessary class annotations (that might breaks Python 3.6 users) 75


We are excited to release LayoutParser v0.3.0, with a lot of exciting updates and functional improvements.

New Features
- The biggest change in this version is that LayoutParser now supports multiple deep learning backends: Detectron2, effdet, and paddledetection. This allows for more flexible usage of the `layoutparser` library, and makes it easier for implementing customized layout models in the future. 54 67
- Additionally, the newly added `AutoModel` and improved model configuration parsing makes it easier load and use the layout detection models. 69
- e.g, `model = lp.AutoLayoutModel("lp://efficientdet/PubLayNet")`.
- To support this multi-backend framework, we implement the dynamic importing mechanism as well as better ways for installing `layoutparser` and the needed dependencies (see [instructions]( #65 68
- And now `layoutparser` supports directly loading PDF files into as `layout` objects: 71
import layoutparser as lp
pdf_layout, pdf_images = lp.load_pdf("path/to/pdf", load_images=True)
lp.draw_box(pdf_images[0], pdf_layout[0])

- To support more flexible processing of the layout objects, a set of new toolkits are available: 72
import layout parser as lp
page_layout = lp.load_pdf("tests/fixtures/io/example.pdf")[0]
pdf_lines = lp.simple_line_detection(page_layout)

New Models

- Add MFD model that can detect (display) equation regions within scientific documents 59


Layout Parser v0.2.0 Release Notes

New Features

1. Support for loading and exporting the layout data in `json` and `csv` , see 6
2. Add support for `union` and `intersect` operations, see 20 and the [detailed explanation](


1. Functional improvements:
1. When loading Layout Parser official models, `Detectron2LayoutModel` can automatically detect the label_map, . For example,

model = lp.Detectron2LayoutModel("lp://HJDataset/faster_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x/config")
{1: 'Page Frame', ... }

2. `Detectron2LayoutModel` now supports the `enforce_cpu` flag that enforces using cpu even when CUDA devices are available.
3. For `visualization.draw_box`, it now supports a `show_element_type` flag that shows the bbox category name on the top left corner of the layout objects.
2. Improve installation command and documentation, especially for installing Detectron2 on Windows platforms 25

New Models

1. Add the table bank detection models that can identify table regions


1. Fix the incorrect `layout` issue mentioned in 9 - Thanks to remidbs.
2. Fix the some of the dependency issues mentioned in 11 and 13 by using `iopath` instead of `fvcore`. See 18, Thanks to edisongustavo.

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