- Issue and pull request templates
- Code of Conduct
- Coverage for Letterboxd API endpoints
- /auth/forgotten-password-request
- /auth/username-check
- /list/{id}
- /list/{id} [PATCH]
- /list/{id} [DELETE]
- /list/{id}/comments
- /list/{id}/comments [POST]
- /list/{id}/entries
- /list/{id}/me
- /list/{id}/me [PATCH]
- /list/{id}/report [POST]
- /list/{id}/statistics
- /lists
- /lists [POST]
- /me [PATCH]
- A TON more pytest unit tests, and made existing ones more comprehensive
- Internally refactored API object definitions into their own file, for pytest
- Internally changed some variable names to better reflect Letterboxd API nomenclature (I don't *think* this affects any method arguments.)
- Removed mutable default arguments on several methods