* Update RetroArch to [1.10.2](https://www.libretro.com/index.php/retroarch-1-10-2-release/)
* RetroArch standalone cores: add files needed to run these cores to the image (therefore disabled the system files downloader)
* Add new libretro core: `race`
* Add new libretro core: `bk`
* Add new libretro core: `same_cdi`
* Add new libretro core: `mame` (current)
* Fix `easyrpg` libretro core
* Drop `duckstation` core
* Update mainline kernel to 5.10.109 (PC, Allwinner, Amlogic, NXP)
* Update raspberry kernel to 5.10.103
* Fix Nvidia support (build driver as module)
* Fix ethernet and wifi on Intel NUC 11
* Add support for ASUS BT500 and TP-Link UB500 USB Wi-Fi adapters
* Update Mesa to [22.0.1](https://docs.mesa3d.org/relnotes/22.0.1.html)
* Fix custom shutdown scripts (add RPi.GPIO Python library)