- Implement fall-back for `make_collective_reader`. (326)
- Inject dataset reading via `Hdf5Reader`. (307)
- Use `using Range = std::array<Value, 2>`. (319)
- SimulationConfig: `spike_threshold` is float (340)
- Check more variants of CMake invocations. (333)
- add SimulationConfig to `__all__` (339)
- Make sure defaults for condition blocks and others are applied (338)
- Allow `sonata::sonata_{shared,static}`. (335)
- Update `pybind11==2.11.1`. (332)
- Refactor `edge_index::resolve`. (314)
- Refactor `_readSelection`. (315)
- Prevent pytest from picking up pybind11 tests. (320)
- update to require using cmake 3.16 (321)
- test for completely empty datasets (281)
- Update HighFive to v2.8.0. (318)
- be neighborly, do not use `using` in headers (316)
- work around brew erroring in github actions (317)
- Move `Selection` to its own header. (306)
- Simplify HighFive usage. (304)
- Simplify single group check. (303)
- Optimize loading `?fferent_edges`. (298)
- Allow disabling coverage an 'Debug'. (299)
- Simplify `Selection::Selection`. (300)
- Use `RawIndex = std::vector<std::array<.., 2>>`. (294)