- `BetaGeoBetaBinomFitter.fit` has replaced `n_custs` with the more appropriately named `weights` (to align with other statisical libraries). By default and if unspecified, `weights` is equal to an array of 1s.
- The `conditional_` methods on `BetaGeoBetaBinomFitter` have been updated to handle exogenously provided recency, frequency and periods.
- Performance improvements in `BetaGeoBetaBinomFitter`. `fit` takes about 50% less time than previously.
- `BetaGeoFitter`, `ParetoNBDFitter`, and `ModifiedBetaGeoFitter` both have a new `weights` argument in their `fit`. This can be used to reduce the size of the data (collapsing subjects with the same recency, frequency, T).