* FIX: skipzeros now checks for zero hits instead of zero time
* FIX: Fixed errors in Python 3.11 with duplicate functions.
* FIX: ``show_text`` now increases column sizes or switches to scientific notation to maintain alignment
* ENH: ``show_text`` now has new options: sort and summarize
* ENH: Added new CLI arguments ``-srm`` to ``line_profiler`` to control sorting, rich printing, and summary printing.
* ENH: New global ``profile`` function that can be enabled by ``--profile`` or ``LINE_PROFILE=1``.
* ENH: New auto-profile feature in ``kernprof`` that will profile all functions in specified modules.
* ENH: Kernprof now outputs instructions on how to view results.
* ENH: Added readthedocs integration: https://kernprof.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html