Bugfix version for ``stepgen`` module, which was affected by an error in the ``encoder`` module.
Due to an upgrade in the detection / comparison of the version of the firmware this version will show a
warning message if older firmware is used (NOTE: the communication has not changed, thus re-compilation is
not required). In the next minor release (i.e. version 1.3) this change will correctly enforce recompilation
of the firmware. A change in minor version (i.e. 1.2 -> 1.3) indicates a modification in communication
protocol and thus requires an update of the firmware.
* ``driver``:
* ``encoder``: counts and position of encoder can be reset (74)
* ``encoder``: incorrect required read buffer reported has been corrected. This affected the module ``stepgen`` (79)
* ``watchdog``: the watchdog is reset when the card is reset. Prevents the ``has_bitten`` message when LinuxCNC
is restarted without power-cycling the card. (80)
* Fixed showing the correct version of LitexCNC in HAL.
* Temporary fixed comparison between version of FPGA and driver. When the minor version changes in an upcoming
release, the driver will now correctly enforce a recompilation of the firmware.
* ``cli``:
* ``install_toolchain``: Fixed issue with detection of OS on desktop. Also ``git`` and ``openocd`` are installed
on x64-architecture systems (78).