What's Changed
- This release introduces UI personalization features, allowing users to select different themes for the application.
- Key improvements include:
- Added a theme selector component to the settings page.
- Implemented new themes: Dracula, Sage, Monokai, Tokyo Night, and Iceberg.
- Adapted existing components to be theme-aware, using the theme palette for styling.
Related Issue(s)
- Related: N/A
- Introduces new UI themes without breaking changes.
- No new dependencies are added.
- No known performance or security implications.
* feat: Implement UI personalization with multiple themes by damianvtran in https://github.com/damianvtran/local-operator-ui/pull/11
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/damianvtran/local-operator-ui/compare/v0.2.0...v0.2.1