
Latest version: v2.1.1

Safety actively analyzes 682361 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Python Support

* Remove Pyston because its maintainers have decided upon another direction.
The ``reflection`` module still recognizes Pyston, but there is no support
for this Python implementation, going forward.

* Add CPython 3.11.




* No more separate API for package-internal development. Everything is now
exposed as part of an auxiliary public API as opposed to the primary public

.. note::

Some parts of the auxiliary public API may be refactored into separate
packages at a later point.

* Provide ``create_interception_decorator`` function which creates function
decorators that can apprehend "fugitive" exceptions before they escape across
the boundary of a public API. Fugitive exceptions are exceptions which are
unexpected and which should have been caught internally.

* Provide ``reassign_class_factory`` function which allows for a class to be
assigned a new factory class ("metaclass"). This can even be used on a class
factory class itself, resulting in a factory class similar to how `type
<https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#type>`_ behaves. This
package uses it internally, when possible, to allow class factory classes to
enforce attribute concealment and immutability on themselves and not just
their instances. But, it can be put to other purposes too.

* Provide exception management utilities, including factories which can inject
labels into instances of a single omniexception class as an alternative to
working with a class hierarchy. This package internally uses the utilities to
create exceptions with descriptive messages and labels.

* Provide nomenclatural utilities which determine the classification of objects
that are provided to them. These are useful for the creation of more helpful
exception messages or log entries. This package internally uses the utilities
to create descritpive exception messages. A suite of exception factories,
which use these utilities, is also exposed.

* Provide validation utilities which return back their argument if the
validation is successful. Otherwise, they raise a validation error. This
allows for multiple validators to be fluently applied in succession. This
package internally uses the validators on arguments to functions that are
part of its public API.

* Provide visibility utilities which determine if an attribute is considered
public or non-public and what attributes should be concealed on an object.
This package uses the utilities internally to conceal non-public attributes
on classes, modules, and namespaces. But, they can be put to other purposes
as well.

Python Support

* Remove CPython 3.6 because it is past end-of-life.

* Deprecate Pyston because of its new development direction.

* Add PyPy 3.9.




* Officially verify and mention PyPy and Pyston support.



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