**Bug Fixes**
- Made the ``name`` property in LogmeLogger object unsettable, as overriding/reassignment of this property will create a new
logging.Logger object, and this results in lose of configured all handlers.
- Allowing color output in the terminal for ``StreamHandlers``!
- Running ``logme upgrade`` will now automatically apply ``colors`` configuration in your ``logme.ini``
- Improved testing in ``test_log.py``
- ``config.py``
* Added ``get_logger_config()`` to allow getting only configurations of loggers in ``logme.ini``.
This enables ``get_config_content()`` to get color configurations
* Added ``get_color_config()``to get color configurations
- ``LogmeLogger.reset_config()``
* Removing the previous configured logger by deleting the logger from ``logging.Logger.manager.loggerDict``,
instead of removing handlers on the existing loggers.
* Added ``disabled`` property for disabling logger.