========================== Modified so that it works with numpy>=2.0.
========================== Same as v13.2.1. - Fixes bug in lsqfit's GSL module that prevented compilation on some systems.
- Fixes minor bug in vegas_fit affecting parameter nitn.
============================= - Adds vegas_fit.sample, which samples the PDF used in the fit. This is useful for making probability density histograms and contour plots.
- Minor bug fix: vegas_fit wasn't always passing correct arguments to PDFIntegrator.
============================= Adds a second least-squares fitting strategy. lsqfit.vegas_fit uses PDFIntegrator from the vegas Python module to evaluate means, covariances, PDF histograms, etc using Bayesian integrals, as opposed to minimization as in lsqfit.nonlinear_fit. Fits from nonlinear_fit are Gaussian approximations to the results from vegas_fit.
============================= - New fitter lsqfit.vegas_fit that uses Bayesian integration rather than minimization.
- Small changes to tests and examples to account for new formatting of GVars (v12.0).
- More robust (and simpler) implementation of lsqfit.__version__ --- no longer uses importlib.metadata, which is buggy.
- Documentation on how to compile with the GSL library (ie, don't use the lsqfit wheels).
=========================== - New installation code so that it works on Python3.11 even when numpy is not installed, and on systems with old versions of numpy.
- Adds Python wheels to PyPi distribution.
Version 13 2022-11-01 ====================== Minor changes except that pickling works better now. This means that multiple processors can be used when doing Bayesian integrals using the vegas module's PDFIntegrator (ie, with nproc>1) and the fit's PDF fit.pdf(p). This is useful because fit.pdf(p) can be quite costly to evaluate when fits are complicated.
- fit.pdf(p) is now normalized so that fit.pdf(fit.pmean)=1. This differs from previous versions. To get the old normalization use fit.pdf(p)/exp(fit.pdf.lognorm). This change was made because exp(fit.pdf.lognorm) can easily overflow when fits involve lots of parameters.
- New function fit.dchi2(p) replaces fit.evalchi2(p) and fit.logpdf(p), which are deprecated.
- empbayes_fit has a new keyword p0 which specifies the fit-parameter starting point for the first fit; p0 is set automatically in subsequent fits to optimize fitting (unless it is specified by fitargs(z)).
- Fix to show_plots() to accommodate a change in Matplotlib.
- Forces Cython to regenerate *.c files when using Python 3.11 or later (deals with incompatibilities introduced by 3.11).