- This release focuses on infrastructure improvements, and should not have a significant impact on users.
- This tool is officially tested and supported on Python 3.7 and 3.8. Python 3.6 is no longer officially supported.
- Removed pins on third-party dependencies, including boto3, requests, uritemplate, and click. In doing so, LTD Conveyor is easier to integrate into your existing Python environment.
- We have migrated from Travis CI to GitHub Actions for testing, linting, documentation builds and deployment, and deployments to PyPI. In addition to on-demand testing, GitHub Actions tests the package on a daily basis to ensure compatibility with third-party dependencies.
- Internally, we use tox for running tests, linters, and to build documentation. tox makes it possible for local test runs to use the same set up as CI.
- The codebase is now automatically formatted with black and isort. By using pre-commit, we ensure that formatting is always applied.
- The codebase now has type annotations, which are tested with mypy. Type annotations help ensure that APIs are explicitly defined and correctly used.