- Removed the `--fast-math` compiler flag due to concerns about
numerical precision (e.g. [Beware of fast-math](
- Updated implementation of `SumstatsParser` class to allow user to specify `read_csv_kwargs` at the point of instantiation.
- Updated plink executors to propagate the error messages to the user.
- Updated `merge_snp_tables` to allow for merges on columns other than `SNP`.
- Refactored, cleaned, and updated the implementation of the `AnnotationMatrix` class.
- Fixed bug in `GWADataLoader.split_by_samples()`: Need to perform `deepcopy`, otherwise splitting would not work properly.
- Updated `read_annotations` method in `GWADataLoader` to work with the latest `AnnotationMatrix` interfaces.
- Fixed bug in the `manhattan` plotting function.
- Added parsers for functional annotations and annotation files. Mainly support LDSC annotation format for now.
- Added a utility method to `GWADataLoader` called `align_with` to streamline aligning `GWADataLoader` objects across SNP and sample dimensions.
- Added utility methods for flattening the LD matrix in `LDMatrix`.
- Added a method to perform matrix-vector multiplication in `LDMatrix`.
- Added a method to perform block-wise iteration in the `LDMatrix` class.