
Latest version: v0.2.0

Safety actively analyzes 630602 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Internal Chores

- Enforced Conventional Commits for commit messages (327). This is a BREAKING CHANGE because any commit messages that do not follow the Conventional Commits format will not be accepted by the repository. Please see the [Conventional Commits]( website for more information.
- Added new sections and examples of how to use the Conventional Commits format to the CONTRIBUTING file (327).



- Added the ability to switch from assertive (default) to polite aria modes, in the help menu (309).
- Added OpenAI GPT4-vision query system. Hit ? from the main chart to toggle on (317).
- Added LLM suggestions system for users to be able to more easily click (333).


- Added instructions on how to take a screenshot in in GitHub bug report and pull request templates (307).
- Commented out the instructions on GitHub templates so that users can keep it while adding new content (308).
- Added lineplot, stacked bar, dodged bar, and normalized dodge bar info to the README (310).
- Added Code of Conduct file in the project.



- Added GitHub issue templates for bug report and feature request. [297](
- Added some notes on manual testing.
- Added GitHub template for pull requests. [298](


- Fixed broken link to the Acknowledgments section in README ([300](, thanks sehilyi).
- Fixed typo in scatterplot.js. [283](
- Fixed typo in task1_bar_plot.html, correct CSS file now called.
- Fixed initial position out of range. [287](
- Fixed issue with sonification and highlight color in bar plots. [299](


- Updated documentation for all scripts.


- Released in NPM.




* ci: setup release pipeline (42)

`release.yml` configures the github workflow to lint the commit message, format of the code,
and the unit tests. After successfully completing those jobs, the pipeline builds the package,
updates the semantic version according to the commit message and publishes to the GitHub
Release as well as to the PyPi.

Resolves: 41 ([`634f91c`](

* ci: setup pr github workflow (40)

Combined the black, commit-message-lint, and the unit test workflow into one called ci.yml. This is beneficial because it could be reused in the release pipeline.

Resolves: 39 ([`4ea4bb6`](


* docs: add quarto and quartodoc for static website (38)

`_quarto.yml` includes the base structure of the static website with a navbar and the main site. The navbar includes &39;Overview&39;, &39;Get Started&39;, and &39;API Referece&39; sections, which are structured in `_index.qmd`, `_get_started.qmd`, and the quartodoc section of `_quarto.yml` respectively. Currently, the &39;Overview&39; and &39;Get Started&39; sections are left empty, which will be generated in the upcoming releases. The &39;API Reference&39; section will include the docstring in a neat format generated by `quartodoc`.

Resolves: 17 ([`011b1b2`](

* docs: add docstring (34) ([`59f0ca1`](


* feat: use htmltools instead of str (33)

* feat: use htmltools instead of str

* feat: show html using htmltools

* chore: move mixin to utils package ([`8b0a838`](

* feat(boxplot): support matplotlib library (32) ([`060ccfd`](



* chore: update project homepage URL ([`2aeb15c`](

* chore: add homepage URL to pyproject.toml ([`582a23f`](

* chore: update pyproject.toml with additional metadata ([`314cd38`](

* chore(vscode): add GitLens extension ([`3491ecc`](

* chore(vscode): remove brackets from the title ([`99ecd10`](

* chore(vscode): add git.ignoreRebaseWarning setting to .vscode/settings.json ([`97c27a8`](

* chore(vscode): add ms-python.debugpy extension to extensions.json ([`ac1b619`](

* chore(vscode): update window title in VS Code settings.json ([`065800e`](

* chore(.vscode): add conventional commits extensions ([`492d23f`](

* chore(.vscode): :wrench: add conventional commits settings ([`7cb39cd`](

* chore(.vscode): :wrench: add conventional commits settings ([`e8e782f`](

* chore: use copilot to describe pr ([`5bc8803`](

* chore: remove spellright extension ([`85b7bdf`](

* chore: add more vscode settings and extensions ([`0bf19ba`](


* ci: update version to 0.1.1 (27) ([`4ceff90`](

* ci: :wrench: fix commmit linter gh action to be triggered against the latest commit only ([`dbb86d3`](

* ci: :wrench: fix commmit linter gh action to be triggered against the latest commit only ([`f53251c`](

* ci: add conventional commits linter to gh workflowFixes 5

* ci: add conventional commits linter to gh workflow
Fixes 5 ([`f1babab`](

* ci: :wrench: add python-semantic-release dependencies and settings ([`f928eff`](

* ci: :sparkles: add conventional commits linter to gh action ([`fc4b758`](


* docs(readme): add logo ([`8702ce5`](

* docs(heatmap): add matplotlib example (25) ([`7cb9433`](

* docs(readme): update base URL ([`6463477`](

* docs: add documentation for classes and methods (16)

* docs: add documentation for classes and methods, following numpy docstring style

* fix: convert maidr data to numpy array

* docs: add docstring

* chore: change | none to optional typing

* chore: rever to | none typing


Co-authored-by: SaaiVenkat <> ([`4b5387e`](

* docs: update installation instructions in ([`a5134ed`](

* docs: update py-maidr installation instructions ([`0185aec`](

* docs: add development environment setup instructions ([`36ecba2`](

* docs: add file ([`2e4cf10`](

* docs: add code of conduct ([`777f850`](

* docs: add CHANGELOG file ([`f19c78c`](


* feat(scatter): support matplotlib and seaborn library (30) ([`d2d1202`](

* feat(boxplot): support seaborn library (29) ([`5506242`](

* feat(stacked): support maidr for matplotlib and seaborn (28) ([`9e95186`](

* feat: support seaborn bar and count plot (12) ([`fd622bd`](

* feat: redesign python binder (10)

* feat: redesign python binder

* docs: add example bar plot ([`2fe4901`](


* fix: support seaborn breaking changes (31) ([`afe5382`](

* fix(version): start from 0.0.1 ([`6bf23bb`](

* fix: update pyproject.toml version and htmltools dependency (14) ([`fcaca48`](


* test(barplot): add unit tests for barplot (20)

* test(barplot): add unit tests for barplot

* chore: add mocks for inputs

* test: add common fixtures

* chore: correct test input

* test: add unit tests for bar plot

* test: add tox workflow

* test: add correct python version

* test: remove non-deterministic assert comment ([`af81cd9`](


* feat/heatmap, lineplot, histogram (24) ([`5914f07`](

* chore/change to manual publishing (23) ([`1bc6307`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; of ([`9e16c28`](

* update README ([`c16a378`](

* Add Python REPL smart send and activate
environment in terminal ([`7321428`](

* remove html file ([`874d1b7`](

* Update dependencies in poetry.lock and
pyproject.toml ([`de9f113`](

* Remove Flake8 linting and update formatting
settings ([`94da4f3`](

* add .conda to .gitignore ([`08b50f9`](

* fixed text display bug ([`616bd26`](

* updated js with working code ([`23911e9`](

* [tobeRemoved] html file generated for barplot using maidr ([`13340cc`](

* [WIP] integration of maidr with a.[done] barplot and countplot .[WIP] scatterplot c.[WIP] heatmap ([`3c21f88`](

* add example ([`86d104a`](

* add a more description on poetry run to README ([`3cac3c4`](

* deleted layer_data and chart.html ([`a5af285`](

* sonification of heat map ([`d2615d6`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; of into main ([`19f6a49`](

* [WIP] boxplot data extraction ([`bbbcce0`](

* change module name: c2m -> maidr ([`2911628`](

* [InProgress] heatmap visual sync ([`2738d92`](

* Revert &34;WIP: restructure package src&34;

This reverts commit d8206b0c64a0c5b6e21e33d75382f271b19b8858. ([`590b81a`](

* WIP: restructure package src ([`d8206b0`](

* add pytest dependency ([`ba903d5`](

* update README ([`ba7b4b9`](

* add pre-commit dependency ([`215e60d`](

* organize package structure ([`b3698ef`](

* add .gitignore ([`94c44cd`](

* scatterplot: use a list comprehension instead of a for loop ([`8aea0b2`](

* lineplot: use a list comprehension instead of a for loop ([`fd6b725`](

* countplot: use list comprehension instead of for loop ([`de2b209`](

* VSCode: more settings ([`86aaf7c`](

* adding chart.html ([`ac5394b`](

* [InProgress] heatmap sonification ([`3506b77`](

* fix html template to accept x and y labels ([`bf2e0ff`](

* delete html ([`a62db10`](

* fix x tick bug in html template ([`ef038da`](

* use a unique id per plot element ([`53e22b3`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; of ([`d85366c`](

* refactor c2m module ([`68e1016`](

* [InProgress] Partial sonification of heatmap ([`a3b771c`](

* WIP: c2m module ([`6785205`](

* Merge pull request 3 from uiuc-ischool-accessible-computing-lab/c2m

fix 1: start c2m module ([`205ea3f`](

* start c2m module ([`a1453e1`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; of into main ([`e759ab8`](

* [InProgress] heatmap data extraction ([`4b19490`](

* VSCode: add more settings and extensions ([`70a6f7c`](

* update readme ([`2ce3a5a`](

* VSCode setting: always show black format notification ([`a0d84f8`](

* add isort settings ([`4547df1`](

* add flake8 linter setting ([`d738f5b`](

* fix lint ([`6870273`](

* test formatting ([`b58932a`](

* fix indent ([`f0398b9`](

* fix GH action: black formatter ([`7ce9de2`](

* test format ([`42f79fa`](

* add GH action to auto-format code using black ([`e421dfc`](

* add instruction for pre-commit to readme ([`a967ac7`](

* resolve conflict ([`15de2c9`](

* add black to pre-commit ([`377312d`](

* add to pre-commit ([`7bba7bd`](

* add VSCode settings and extensions ([`7b36507`](

* Merge branch &39;master&39; ([`ddba335`](

* Initial commit ([`673f1e9`](

* [in progress] sonification for line chart ([`d4466bc`](

* sonification for scatter plot ([`4c92bf4`](

* sonification for count plot ([`816f4bc`](

* sonification of bar chart ([`b820ac8`](

* updated files to support dynamic data passing to html template ([`7cf4eec`](

* Integrate chart2music for bar plot ([`3484cbe`](

* a.refactored code b.added json option ([`860a164`](

* removed ([`61a3a33`](

* single lineplot ([`cc626f8`](

* bar plot and scatter plot ([`1329412`](

* function for countplot ([`1e63690`](

* initial commit ([`ec22a67`](



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