New: Can now record video streams as individual frames rather than video.
Fix: Many fixes to recording, tarring, etc - improved stability.
New: "Human" action space and observations, for tighter human-in-the-loop scenarios.
New: Titles and subtitles are now returned as part of the chat observation.
New: [Stability] ObservationFromSystem to return stats on Minecraft's health (eg render/server/client ticks per second)
New: [Stability] Option to kill Minecraft clients; command-line switch for launchClient to replace clients when killed.
New: DrawSign allows signposts to be drawn with specific text.
New: 'includeNBT' flag for ObservationFromRay, to return JSON NBTTagCompound for tile entities.
New: 'decision_tree_test.py' to test signs/NBTTagCompound.
New: 'braitenberg_simulation.py' to test luminance video producer (and for fun)
New: 'mouse_steering_test.py' to test human action space
New: Dockerfiles for automated building (Linux only, so far)
Fix: Integration tests can now be run headless - should be reliable (no false negatives)