- [issue 50, pull 56] Add support for ECDSA keys for auth (by Rui Loura). - [issue 51] Fix an issue with `MANTA_KEY_ID=MD5:...` handling (i.e. an MD5 key that uses the now more common "MD5:" prefix. - [issue 54] Fix a crash in `mantash find DIR -name NAME ...`.
- [issue 41] Support `MANTA_KEY_ID=SHA256:...` fingerprint form. - [issue 43] Ensure a broken `~/.ssh/*.pub` symlink doesn't break finding a key for a given `MANTA_KEY_ID`.
- [MANTA-2925] `mantash cp [-R] ...` command for copying files within Manta (including recursive dir copy).
- [pull 35] RBAC support (see: https://docs.joyent.com/public-cloud/rbac) The `MantaClient` constructor now takes optional `subuser` and `role` parameters. The `mantash` CLI gets the params from either the `--user` / `--role` command line arguments or from the `MANTA_SUBUSER` / `MANTA_ROLE` environment vars. This behavior matches the Node.js Manta client. By Tim Gross.
- [pull 29] Fix doc links.
- [pull 34] Fix handling of the keyId/`MANTA_KEY_ID` to support being set to a non-MD5 fingerprint. By default Linux (and more recently Mac) versions of OpenSSH's `ssh-keygen -lf ...` show a SHA256 form of the fingerprint. - [pull 34] Fix a bug where `mantash mkdir -p /trent.mick/public/a/b/c` wouldn't create the top `a` directory (by Tim Gross). - Fix `mantash du ...` to sort output for a given dir by basename. - Fix a logic bug in `mantash mkdir -p ...` where the last dir could possibly not be created.