
Latest version: v0.30.2

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Workspace bug fixes, and minor new feature (deletion of all broken workspaces).


Marcel should now be able to migrate the storage layout of marcel files from any previous version.


You can assign the value of a Python expression to a variable, e.g.

x = (5 + 6)

assigns 11 to the variable `x`. The RHS, `(5 + 6)` is shorthand for `(lambda: 5 + 6)`. In other words,
the expression inside the parens is evaluated, and the resutling value is assigned.

Sometimes you want to assign a function to a variable. Following the previous example, you would
have to do something like this to create a function that adds 1 to a number:

inc = (lambda: lambda x: x + 1)

Evaluating `(lambda: lambda x: x + 1)` yields the function `lambda x: x + 1` which is assigned to
`inc`. That is kind of clunky, and while obviously correct and consistent, it isn't what you
normally think of first. Or at least I didn't, I tried `inc = (lambda x: x + 1)` and got an error
message because `(lambda x: x + 1)` cannot be evaluated without binding a value to `x`.

In this release, the less clunky, less consistent syntax is permitted. If you write:

inc = (lambda x: x + 1)

then `inc` will be assigned `lambda x: x + 1`. I.e., it will be understood that you really
meant `inc = (lambda: lambda x: x + 1)`. This only happens when assigning expressions
to variables. In other contexts, (e.g. the function used with `map` or `select`), there
is no similar tweaking of the expression.


No visible changes, but there's been a lot of work on startup and workspaces. This all had to do with the validation of persistent state: The .config/marcel and .local/share/marcel directories, especially workspace state. Bad workspaces are moved out of the way.

The checking may be a bit too aggressive, and may need to be relaxed, or favor repair instead of isolation.


Change in env.pickle format

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