* ♻️ Make the preferred variant the one used in the include. PR [9]( by [tiangolo](
* 📝 Fix MkDocs config example. PR [8]( by [tiangolo](
* 📝 Update README with mkdocs.yml configs. PR [6]( by [tiangolo](
* ⬆ Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.9.0 to 1.10.3. PR [1]( by [dependabot[bot]](
* 👷 Tweak labeler GitHub Action. PR [7]( by [tiangolo](
* 👷 Fix smokeshow setup. PR [4]( by [tiangolo](
* 👷 Tweak labeler GitHub Action to not change labels on manual labels. PR [5]( by [tiangolo](
* 👷 Tweak CI and types. PR [2]( by [tiangolo](