- Made multiple corrections that solved a few significant bugs.
- `matmath.py` has been converted into from a simple function definitions into a full fledge function class called `Matrix`.
- Removed `compatM()` and `compatAS()` from `Vector` class.
- Improved `__init__`, `__iter__`, `__next__`, `__repr__` and `__str__` methods in `Vector` class.
- Added support for `__matmul__` method and made changes to `__mul__` method to `Vector` class.
- removed `__radd__`, `__rsub__` and `__rmul__` methods from vector class (methods were not needed).
- Added support for `!=` and `==` operator to `Vector` class.
- Created alias for `arguement` - `arg` in `Vector` class.
- Added support for `__radd__` and `__rsub__` methods to `Vector` class.
- Added `minor()` and `cofactor()` methods to `Matrix` class.
- `__setitem__` method in `Vector` class has ben deprecated.
- `x()`, `y()` and `z()` methods in `Vector` class have ben deprecated. (using indexing instead)
- improved importing.
Now you can use:
from matmath import Matrix, Vector
instead of importing like this:
from matmath.matmath import Matrix, Vector
2 January 2024 - v.3.2.0
- Completely moved away from [twine](https://twine.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) in favour of [poetry](https://python-poetry.org/).
- Rename `__pow__` method to `pow` in `Vector` class.
- Type hints added to all methods of both `Matrix` and `Vector` classes.
- Refactored multiple methods across both classes to improve time/space complexity.
- Added better type checking to `__init__` method of `Matrix` class.
- Better support for `__matmul__` method in `Vector` and `Matrix` classes.
NOTE: Python 3.6 and 3.7 are still supported even though they have reached [EOL](https://endoflife.date/python).