- Updated to [v1.6.0](https://github.com/Noxcrew/mcchampionship-api/releases/tag/v1.6.0) of the API - Added `getParticipant(uuid)` to get a single participant - Added `team` and `platform` to the player information object - Increased allowed API requests to 200 requests/min
- Add new method to retrieve all valid event keys via the ``/events`` endpoint - Renamed old game history object to ``LegacyGameHistory``, which should be used for all MCCs before the start of Season 4 - Added new game history object which should be used for all Season 4 MCCs
- Fix typo in documentation
- Added ``icon`` as a field to the ``PlayerData`` interface
- Deprecated ``getHallOfFameStats()`` and ``getHallOfFameStatsForGame(Game)`` as they are now deprecated in the [v1.3.0](https://github.com/Noxcrew/mcchampionship-api/releases/tag/v1.3.0) version of the API
- Added missing type definitions for the ``/history`` endpoint