Changes - Update package to only support NEP29 range (Python 3.9 - 3.12 as of writing)
Changes (internal) - automated deployment (57)
Added - docs for how to contribute a new dataset (46) - new `MDAnalysis.__authors__` attribute with the list of AUTHORS
Changes - update online docs theme (43) - tested for Python 2.7, 3.6 - 3.9 on Linux, macOS, Windows (48)
Added - YiiP equilibrium dataset used for benchmarks in the PMDA paper: `fetch_yiip_equilibrium_short` to get a 9-ns YiiP trajectory and `fetch_yiip_equilibrium_long` to get a 90-ns YiiP trajectory (39)
Added - `fetch_membrane_peptide()` to get a membrane peptide dataset (34)
Fixes - doc fixes (PEG 1 chain dataset)
Fixes (internal) - CI: pip upgrade all dependencies (36)
Added - PEG_1chain dataset
Fixes - vesicles dataset: failed to get description
Added - progressbar for downloads (29)
Changes (internal) - tests with full downloads can be performed with `pytest -m online`; by default `pytest -m 'not online'` is run, which skips downloading gigabytes of data (PR 18)