orbeckst, VOD555, ALescoulie
* renamed package to MDPOW
* support Python 3.7 -- 3.9 on Linux and macOS (84)
* tested with GROMACS 4.6.5, 2018.6, 2020.6, 2021.1 (PR 159, 164)
* removed all generated docs from package
* config parser MERGES user runinput.yml with the package defaults
* Configuration setting mdrun.maxthreads now also applies to energy
minimization with mdpow-equilibrium.py/mdpow.run() (119)
* Default plot option is now "none" for the mdpow-* scripts (PR 142)
* Default estimator for mdpow analysis scripts is now alchemlyb MBAR
(139, PR 142)
* mdpow analysis scripts now default to statistical inefficiency
calculation (--SI) and stride=1 (139, PR 142)
* updated bundled CHARMM/CGENFF with charmm36-mar2019 (previously was
* removed deprecated -DFLEXIBLE grompp preprocessor flag from
em_opl.mdp template file
* updated MDP templates (PR 155):
- add files for AMBER (same as OPLS) and CHARMM for em, NPT, and bar (FEP)
- NOTE: explicitly set "cutoff-scheme = verlet" in all MDP files;
for GROMACS 4.6.5 FEP will fail with a FATAL ERROR "The Verlet cut-off scheme
does not (yet) support free-energy calculations with perturbed
atoms, only perturbed interactions." so you need to set the
cutoff-scheme to the value "group".
- disable energy group calculation to allow running on GPUs with
modern GROMACS versions (such as 2021)
- added comments regarding GROMACS bug
https://gitlab.com/gromacs/gromacs/-/issues/3403 that requires
manually increasing rlist >= solute diameter
- added comment regarding 'pme_order = 6' preventing PME calculation
on GPUs with GROMACS 2021.
* store version information in mdpow.__version__ instead of VERSION
get_version() (165)
* tested with GROMACS 4.6.5, 2018.6, 2020.6, 2021.1 (PR 159, 164)
* tested on Linux and and macOS (PR 159, 164)
* supported CHARMM and AMBER forcefield, including PRM parameter files
with the "setup.prm" parameter in the configuration file (104)
* supported wet-octanol mixed solvent boxtype but this only works with
GROMACS >= 2018 (98)
* support OPLS-AA TIP4PD, AMBER TIP4PEW and cyclohexane, and CHARMM TIP5P
and cyclohexane solvent types (141)
* supported forcefield options in scripts (123)
* supported multiple edr files input in fep.py (132)
* supported alchemlyb estimators (MBAR and TI) in analysis functions
and scripts (133 135)
* boxtype and minimum distance (30) can be set in runinput.yml and are
documented (91, 88)
* can now set fep.setup.maxwarn in config file (113)
* fixed: return fig in fep.py so plot function in scripts can access the
object (129)
* fixed: buffering kwarg was removed from openany() so code is
compatible with GromacsWrapper >= 0.8.0 (107)
* fixed: GROMACS 2020 fails with "Inconsistency in user input:
Could not do a restart with appending because the checkpoint file was not
found. Either supply the name of the right checkpoint file or do not use
-append": mdpow.run.runMD_or_exit() does not anymore add -append to GROMACS
invocation (128)
* fixed mdpow-pow and mdpow-pcw scripts (138)
* fixed template em_charmm.mdp to use standard CHARMM non-bonded parameters
for energy minimization (PR 155)