:Date: October 11, 2020
Some fixes in documentation and other files. Here we have the update steps for ``0.1.1`` for people to follow.
* `mdsanima <https://github.com/mdsanima>`__: Added sphinx documentation.
* `mdsanima <https://github.com/mdsanima>`__: Added keywords in ``setup.py``.
* `mdsanima <https://github.com/mdsanima>`__: Added classifiers in ``setup.py``.
* `mdsanima <https://github.com/mdsanima>`__: Added extra requires in ``setup.py``.
* `mdsanima <https://github.com/mdsanima>`__: Changed ``README.rst`` file insted of ``README.md`` file.
* `mdsanima <https://github.com/mdsanima>`__: Changed ``CHANGELOG.rst`` file insted of ``CHANGELOG.md`` file.
* `mdsanima <https://github.com/mdsanima>`__: Fixed errors in the documentation, module ``render_time``, ``count_down`` and ``count_up``.