Located at: https://pypi.org/project/meth/1.1.0/
- Added functions for `Evaluator`:
- `set_var`: Sets a variable.
- `get_var`: Gets the value of a variable.
- `delete_var`: Deletes a variable.
- `clear_var`: Deletes all variables.
- Added new utility functions:
- `get_leaf_node_left`: Get leftest leaf node of a tree.
- `get_from_depth_left`: Get the leftest node of a tree using a depth.
- `create_number_token`: Creates a token from a number using its type.
- Added detailed docstring.
- `Lexer` class `expr` init argument has been moved to the `tokenize` function.
- `Parser` class `tokens` init argument has been moved to the `parse` function.
- Refactored code.