
Latest version: v0.9.2

Safety actively analyzes 701967 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Fixed ``align_fastq_with_plate_positions`` to allow for lists on input fastq
files that are not in the same order.



Added IBD painting

Added a Class to calculate pairwise distance between a sample to test
and all individuals in a reference panel to confirm the input is the
genotype you think it is. contains class VcfDistance to import two VCF files, check
they are compatible and keep the sample names, chromosome labels, SNP
positions and genotype information.

VcfDistance.split_into_windows divides chromosomes up into windows of
fixed length and returns a dictionary of new VcfDistance objects.

VcfDistance.pairwise_distance calculates the pairwise distance from the
input individual to all referencs samples.


Changed the package name to methlab.


Added ``methylation_state`` to quantify the evidence that regions are unmethylated, CG-only methylated or TE-like methylated.


Added support for checking methylation in windows for only a subset of chromosomes


- Committed docs for ``CytosineCoverageFile`` and ``BismarkSam``.
- Added support for pulling out strand tags from SAM files. This generalises to
any custom SAM tag.

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