
Latest version: v1.1.1

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This release has the following updates:

1. New module for running energy plus with MEWS
2. Updates to module to use historical solution files if new future years are requested in the input
3. Fixed depricated code in MEWS for pandas, numpy, and cython.


This is the release used for our publication in _Environmental Modeling & Software_ [1]. It contains full capability to fit results at any NOAA station that has: 1) 50+ years of daily summaries with maximum and minimum daily temperatures. 2) 1990-2020 climate norms with 10% and 90% confidence bounds.

[1] Villa, Daniel L., Tyler J. Schostek, Krissy Govertsen, and Madeline Macmillan. 2023. "A Stochastic Model of Future Extreme Temperature Events for Infrastructure Analysis." _Environmental Modeling & Software_ In Pres. (Paper has been accepted)


The need for BIN2TXT and TXT2BIN is deprecated. Their capability is being retained just in case types of BIN files require them or else if someone still wants to dump a *.BIN file as text.


This version includes the Extreme and Alter classes that can be used on both Energy Plus and DOE-2 weather files.



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