
Latest version: v0.1.6

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- Bumping up MiniHack version (102, samvelyan)
- Update (91, samvelyan)
- link to editor source repo (87, garymm)
- Update to fix env name typo (79, ouked)

🔨 Maintenance

- Port NetHack Sokoban (101, BartekCupial)
- Small formatting changes (96, samvelyan)
- Update (89, BoxOfCereal)
- Fixing MiniHacks obs space if include_alignment_blstats==False (85, samvelyan)
- Fixing the access to environments actions after NLE==0.9.0 update (83, samvelyan)

🎡 Environment

- Port NetHack Sokoban (101, BartekCupial)


🎡 Environment

- Add extra tasks used in E3B paper (69, mbhenaff)

🔨 Maintenance

- Added an additional parameter for including alignment in blstats (77, samvelyan)
- Configuring the action space of MiniHack following NLE updates (74, samvelyan)

📝 Documentation

- Updates to the docs main page (72, samvelyan)


- version 0.1.5 (78, samvelyan)
- Fixing flake8 repo link in pre-commit hook (71, samvelyan)


- MiniHack version 0.1.4 (67, samvelyan)
- Gym issue fix (58, samvelyan)
- pushing the fix for more height in the logo (49, Bam4d)
- [WIP] Bam4d/level editor (46, Bam4d)

📝 Documentation

- Deleted level editor site code (50, samvelyan)

🔨 Maintenance

- Fixing the seeding issue (68, samvelyan)
- Fixing the NetHack variable renaming and _underscore access recently introduced in NLE==0.9.0 (66, samvelyan)

🎡 Environment

- Fixing the NetHack variable renaming and _underscore access recently introduced in NLE==0.9.0 (66, samvelyan)
- Fix forced actions (55, ian-cannon)


📝 Documentation

- MiniHack Environment Zoo (38, samvelyan)

🔨 Maintenance

- A flag for including pet to the game (40, samvelyan)

🎡 Environment

- Turned autopickup off for ExploreMaze envs (45, samvelyan)
- Fixing boxoban level data path (42, samvelyan)


- Cached Environment Wrapper (33, samvelyan)
- Printing the gym version in the collect_env script (30, samvelyan)
- Update (24, samvelyan)
- Updating the PR labeler and Release Drafter (23, samvelyan)

📝 Documentation

- Fixes to the documentation (37, samvelyan)
- Updating docs (25, samvelyan)
- Fixed Typo (22, mohamadmansourX)

🔨 Maintenance

- Bump the MiniHack and NLE versions (36, samvelyan)
- Supporting gym version 0.21.0 (31, samvelyan)

🎡 Environment

- Fixing seeding in MiniGrid (34, samvelyan)
- Supporting gym version 0.21.0 (31, samvelyan)


- Added a workflow for testing and pushing the releases to PyPI (21, samvelyan)
- Importing Pillow whenever needed. (20, samvelyan)
- Release drafter GitHub workflow (19, samvelyan)
- Being able to save gifs when evaluating pre-trained agents (18, samvelyan)
- Updating README (16, samvelyan)
- Update (15, samvelyan)

📝 Documentation

- Updating REAMDE (17, samvelyan)



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