- Add (generated) ``__version__`` field to the package to abide by the PEP
- Add support for using NumPy types to instantiate Models. (``np.array`` and
any type that falls under ``np.generic``).
- Add ``available_solvers`` method to the ``Driver`` objects to explicitly
report the available solvers according to the current environment.
- Add support for Python 3.10.
- **BREAKING:** Update minimal supported MiniZinc version to 2.5.0 to ensure
full functionality.
- Remove the (additional) hard time-out in from the CLI driver. MiniZinc should
correctly enforce set time limit.
- ``Solver.lookup`` now has an extra ``refresh`` argument to signal whether
the driver should refresh the found solver configurations.
- Always close temporary files before removing them, so that if an exception is
raised while a file is still open, it gets removed correctly on Windows.
- Set the required process creation flags on Windows to allow MiniZinc to
terminate its subprocesses correctly.
- Pass ``--intermediate-solutions`` flag when ``-i`` or ``-a`` is supported by
the solver.
- Pygments parser generated by Iro did not contain the correct ``pop`` rules.
The parser was manually edited to work correctly, but we can no longer
generate is automatically unless the bug in upstream Iro is resolved.
- Resolve a syntax error (a missing semicolon) in the meta-heuristics example in
the documentation.
- Correctly pass the ``-O0`` flag to the CLI when ``optimisation_level`` is set
to zero.
- Set type of MiniZinc annotation output type `ann` to `str` in Python in
accordance with the JSON output format.