- Change log established
- Bug Fix: Reworked Amazon login flow, especially for [multi-user](https://github.com/jprouty/mint-amazon-tagger/issues/132)
- Bug Fix: Add workaround for ["RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison"](https://github.com/jprouty/mint-amazon-tagger/issues/122)
- Show help tooltips in the GUI when hovering over both inputs and the labels.
- Close the chromedriver instance when dismissing the dialog, allowing for more graceful reattempts.
This file tracks the last time a feature has been verified to be working by jprouty.
Amazon Login
| Function / Feature | Last Tested | Version |
| ------------------ | ----------- | ------- |
| Single user login - first time | 1/26/23 | 1.61 |
| Single user login - return user | 1/26/23 | 1.61 |
| Multiple user login - first time | 1/26/23 | 1.61 |
| Multiple user login - return user | 1/26/23 | 1.61 |
| "I will login myself" | - | - |
Amazon Order Reports
| Function / Feature | Last Tested | Version |
| ------------------ | ----------- | ------- |
| Wait for report before downloading | 1/26/23 | 1.61 |
| Default report duration works | 1/26/23 | 1.61 |
| Repeat runs of tool do not fetch reports if already locally downloaded | 1/26/23 | 1.61 |
| Repeat runs of tool do not request reports if already completed for the date range required (but not downloaded locally) | 1/26/23 | 1.61 |
| Function / Feature | Last Tested | Version |
| ------------------ | ----------- | ------- |
| "I will login myself" | - | 1.60 |
| Tagger finds matches | 1/26/23 | 1.61 |
| Tagger GUI deep links to Amazon order details | 1/26/23 | 1.61 |
| Tagger uploads changes successfully to Mint | 1/26/23 | 1.61 |
| Tagger details show in Mint UI, including note contents for single item order | 1/26/23 | 1.61 |
| Tagger details show in Mint UI for itemized / multiple item order | 1/26/23 | 1.61 |
| Tagger respects custom category selection for named item | - | - |