APT Reader
Update NIRSpec MOS APT xml reader to make use of ConfigurationPointing fields, in order to determine order and number of exposures. (707)
Be sure that the number of primary dithers as read from the xml file is an integer, in order to correctly populate the new NRIMDTPT
header keyword. (718)
Set the observation mode to "wfss" for NIRISS observations that use the External Calibration template and use a grism. (737)
Remove mentions of outdated mode name from documentation. "moving_target" is not a mode. Instead, refer to "non-sidereal" tracking. (740)
Use a newer ReadTheDocs build image in order to avoid build errors associated with new version of jupyter-core. (745)
Example Notebooks
Add missing function definition in imaging mode notebook. (735)
NIRCam Coronagraphic Modes
Correctly populate the array_name entry of the input yaml file for NIRCam coronagraphic observations. This aperture name is needed when
running coronagraphic simuations. While Mirage still does not directly support coronagraphic simuations, extended images can be used to
create a coronagraphic scene. (728)
NIRCam TSO Simulations
Fix the location of the target in the TSO apertures. The location of the dispersed source is dictated by the intermediate aperture
location in APT, rather than the imaging aperture. (722)
NIRISS Simulations
Add F158M to the list of filters for which ghosts can be added. Update the ghost positions for WFSS simualations,
to better reflect ground testing results. (714)
Non-sidereal target simulations
Add PSF convolution keyword when making an extended source image with a moving target simulation. (706)
Updates to the non-sidereal catalog creation method such that users can input the type of source to use for the tracked target. Remove
the movingTargetConvolveExtended entry from the yaml file since it was not being used. Convolution of any extended taget (sidereal,
non-sidereal, tracked, untracked) with the PSF are all controlled by the PSFConvolveExtended yaml entry. Tracked, non-sidereal sources
are now considered opaque. That is, background sources that fall behind the tracked non-sidereal target will not be added to the seed
image. (743)
Following changes in jwst version 1.2.3, replace the NDITHPTS header keyword with NRIMDTPT. (705)
Correct the file-splitting calculations when creating data with a non-RAPID readout pattern. (731)
Remove secondary dependencies from environment files and requirements.txt. (733)
PSF Libraries
Fix bug that was preventing Mirage from finding the correct gridded PSF library for WLP4 simulations. (724)
In cases where the total signal in a gridded PSF library is greater than 1.0 but less than 1.1, renormalize the PSF to have a total
signal of 1.0. PSFs with total signals greater than 1.1 will raise an exception. The renormalization is done because in some cases,
WebbPSF will create a PSF with a total signal just slightly greater than 1.0. (725)
Source Catalogs
Remove CLEAR and CLEARP from the list of filters read in from the pointing file during source catalog creation. (710)
Fix bug that was causing inconsistencies in the crossmatching of sources between the 2MASS/Gaia/WISE catalogs. (726)
Fix a bug that was placing NIRISS filter/pupil names in the wrong entry of the exposure dictionary when using for_proposal()
to create source catalogs. (730)
Subarray Apertures
Correct the subarray name associated with the NRCB5_MASKLWB aperture name in APT. (744)
SOSS Mode Simulations
Prevent the SOSS simulator from looking for a non-existing 2nd order with F277W. (700)
Update SOSS simulator to use astropy's BlackBody model rather than the deprecated BlackBody1D. (720)
Transmission Image
Create a pom transmission image composed of all 1's for NIRISS AMI and NIRCam imaging TSO simulations, as is done now for regular imaging simulations. (701)