Changed - A new feature is added to support code block line highlighting.
Fixed - N/A
Changed - A new feature (in [22]( is added to support code block titles.
Fixed - N/A
Changed - A new feature is added to allow escaping Mad Libs editable content via triple-carets (^^^) in addition to triple-underscores.
Fixed - N/A
Changed - N/A
Fixed - A bug missed (in [5]( and [#7]( where the SVG pen icon is not added to plain text code snippets.
Changed - Updated documentation.
Fixed - A bug (in [7]( where the SVG color is not properly inherited from the `--md-primary-fg-color` CSS variable.
Changed - N/A
Fixed - A bug (in [5]( where plain text content is not properly parsed and templated by `mkdocs-madlibs`.