Features in This Release
* Added NETLIB X86 CPU backend support in BLAS domain for DPC++, LLVM and hipSYCL compilers
* Added Unified Shared Memory (USM) Interfaces support in BLAS domain
* Extended support in BLAS domain with low-precision, mixed precision GEMMs and various batch implementations.
* Extended support in BLAS domain with transposition routines.
* Added cuBLAS Nvidia GPU backend support in BLAS domain for hipSYCL compiler
* Added [portBLAS](https://github.com/codeplaysoftware/portBLAS) X86 CPU, Intel GPU, Nvidia GPU and AMD GPU backend support in BLAS domain for DPC++ and LLVM compilers.
* Added rocBLAS AMD GPU backend in BLAS domain for LLVM and hipSYCL compilers.
* Extended MKLCPU and MKLGPU backend support in BLAS domain with pointers for scalar parameters.
* Various updates in BLAS domain to align with SYCL 2020 spec and bug fixes
* Introduced LAPACK SYCL APIs support for x86 CPU and Intel GPU with the Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library, Nvidia GPU with the cuSOLVER library and AMD GPU with the rocSOLVER library.
* Introduced DFT SYCL APIs support for x86 CPU and Intel GPU with the Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library, Nvidia GPU with the cuFFT library and AMD GPU with the rocFFT library.
* Introduced RNG Device API support according to the oneAPI 1.3 specification
* Replaced FindMKL.cmake with MKLConfig.cmake from Intel oneMKL
* Extended support for cmake fetchcontent module
Known Issues and Limitations
* RNG Host API Philox4x32x10 engine may produce incorrect numbers in Skip_Ahead_Ex test in case of mklgpu backend and Intel oneMKL 2024.0 release
* The LAPACK domain for x86 CPU with Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library backend has build failures with builds of the LLVM* compiler after [2023-09-27](https://github.com/intel/llvm/releases/tag/nightly-2023-09-27). Use builds from [2023-09-26](https://github.com/intel/llvm/releases/tag/nightly-2023-09-26) or earlier.