- Unrecognized options will be passed through to ``pip wheel``. This
means all requested pip options, like ``--no-binary`` and
``--cache-dir``, are exposed through mkwheelhouse.
- Canned ACL policies can be specified on the command line, avoiding the
need for a bucket policy [`12`_\ ]. Thanks, `thenoid`_!
- Invoking mkwheelhouse with no requirements (e.g., ``mkwheelhouse
s3://BUCKET``) generates only a warning instead of an error. This is
because a bare ``pip wheel`` is not an error, and arguments are now
passed directly to ``pip wheel``. This behavior may be changed
upstream; follow `pypa/pip2720`_ for details.
- Bucket URLs generated when IAM roles are in use are now valid [`11`_\ ].
Thanks, `joshma`_!