- Initial release of MLArena
- `PreProcessor` class for data preprocessing
- Filter Feature Selection
- Categorical encoding (OneHot, Target)
- Recommendation of encoding strategy
- Plot to compare target encoding smoothing parameters
- Numeric scaling
- Missing value imputation
- `ML_PIPELINE` class for machine learning workflow
- Algorithm agnostic model wrapper
- Support both classification (binary) and regression algorithms
- Model training and scoring
- Model global and local explanation
- Model evaluation with comprehensive reporting and plots
- Iterative hyperparameter tuning with diagnostic plot
- Threshold analysis and optimization for classification models
- Comprehensive documentation
- Installation guide
- Usage guide
- API reference
- Examples
- Contributing guidelines
- Test suite with pytest
- Development tools configuration
- black for code formatting
- flake8 for linting
- isort for import sorting
- mypy for type checking
- None (initial release)
- None (initial release)
- None (initial release)
- None (initial release)
- None (initial release)