----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Tutorial 2 is finalized - Code for hyper experiment runners is refactored - Now we are able to adjoint single experiments with hyper experiment runners - Each experiment will create outputs under the hyper experiment directory - The hyper experiment directory will output all the experiment output scores in a json.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Internal functionalities of Experiment Runner changed - Creating new experiments with the same name overwrites the previous experiment with the same name rather than creating new ones - The caching scheme for meta parameters had a bug which is fixed - The Tutorial is finalized
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add exception handler to hyper experiments for conflicting configs
------------------ - Bug removal in configurations of the factory - Bug removal in readme
------------------ - Biggest update yet! - Introduce HyperExperiments! - When retrieving using factory, the pipelines will also be handled - Caching system updated, META_DATA cache added
------------------ - Grid search can now continue on the runner's last interrupt