
Latest version: v1.7.2

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Features / Enhancements
* **Python**: Introduce python 3.11, 7521, liranbg
* **Version**: Bump 1.9.x to 1.9.0, 7519, liranbg
* **Nuclio**: Mask trigger sensitive fields in mm flow, 7517, rokatyy
* **UI**: [Features & enhancement](

Bug fixes
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](

Pull requests:
b08bde55b [Python] Introduce Python 3.11 (7521)
c452fe8b8 [Version] Bump 1.9.x to 1.9.0 (7519)
d61b4e2f3 [Nuclio] Mask trigger sensitive fields in mm flow (7517)


Features / Enhancements
* **GitHub Actions**: Make the uv lock upgrade workflow branch-aware, 7539, jond01
* **Artifacts**: Allow logging with `none` values [1.8.x], 7535, liranbg
* **Model Monitoring**: Resolve ds profiles in streamstoreytarget, 7530, alxtkr77
* **Requirements-automated**: Upgrade lock files [1.8.x], 7524, iguazio-cicd
* **Requirements**: Bump storey, 7512, jond01
* **Nuclio**: Mask trigger sensitive fields in mm flow, 7517, rokatyy
* **UI**: [Features & enhancement](

Bug fixes
* **Notifications**: Fix stuck pending notifications [1.8.x], 7540, liranbg
* **Spark**: Fix monitoring state race condition [1.8.x], 7542, liranbg
* **Application**: Fix saving redundant function versions [1.8.x], 7534, alonmr
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](

Pull requests:
c6cc999a6 [Notifications] Fix stuck pending notifications [1.8.x] (7540)
f4de60f1a [Spark] Fix monitoring state race condition [1.8.x] (7542)
db60de10c [GitHub Actions] Make the uv lock upgrade workflow branch-aware (7539)
db2f1c44a [Application] Fix saving redundant function versions [1.8.x] (7534)
9dc4c8469 [Artifacts] Allow logging with `None` values [1.8.x] (7535)
55a71de43 [Model Monitoring] Resolve ds profiles in StreamStoreyTarget (7530)
a30c01f40 [Requirements-automated] Upgrade lock files [1.8.x] (7524)
185b5eb02 [Requirements] Bump storey (7512)
d61b4e2f3 [Nuclio] Mask trigger sensitive fields in mm flow (7517)


Features / Enhancements
* **Requirements**: Bump taoswswrap, 7513, gtopper
* **Docs**: Update mlrun ce readme file, 7485, GiladShapira94
* **Nuclio**: Mask trigger sensitive fields, 7509, rokatyy
* **Artifacts**: Edit error msg when model artifacts can not be deleted due to existing model endpoints that reference it, 7508, davesh0812
* **Docs**: Add details on storing alerts and alert reset, 7470, jillnogold
* **Model Monitoring**: Query the tsdb to check for new data on non-batch model endpoints, 7501, Eyal-Danieli
* **Model Monitoring**: Add missing `run_in_threadpool`, 7505, gtopper
* **Model Monitoring**: Avoid wrapping tdengine operations in subprocess, 7496, gtopper
* **Model Monitoring**: Add evidently logs in json load, 7497, tomerm-iguazio
* **Docs**: Add description to create_model_monitoring_alert_configs docstring, 7397, tomerm-iguazio
* **UI**: [Features & enhancement](

Bug fixes
* **Tests**: Fix comments and field name, 7511, moranbental
* **Docs**: Add how to implement and debug mm app as a job, 7269, jillnogold
* **Docs**: Fixed cli command in remote environment cfg and details about zip source in image, 7456, jillnogold
* **DB**: Fix bug when object sorting is sometimes inconsistent, 7495, moranbental
* **Spark**: Fix `attributeerror` on ingestion, 7504, gtopper
* **Model Monitoring**: Fix controller performance - caching streams and feature sets, 7494, royischoss
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](

Pull requests:
8cf0a21cf [Requirements] Bump taoswswrap (7513)
f965e8720 [Docs] Update MLRun CE Readme file (7485)
e9f2e2673 [Nuclio] Mask trigger sensitive fields (7509)
39cf6a802 [Tests] Fix comments and field name (7511)
82ec7dd9e [Artifacts] Edit error msg when model artifacts can not be deleted due to existing model endpoints that reference it (7508)
e16d7f879 [Docs] Add how to implement and debug MM App as a job (7269)
957435b9b [Docs] Add details on storing alerts and alert reset (7470)
88e48c4bc [Docs] Fixed CLI command in remote environment cfg and details about zip source in image (7456)
9aa7d9273 [Model Monitoring] Query the TSDB to check for new data on non-batch model endpoints (7501)
a0d3d4cd5 [DB] Fix bug when object sorting is sometimes inconsistent (7495)
c5bc00154 [Model Monitoring] Add missing `run_in_threadpool` (7505)
709f62911 [Spark] Fix `AttributeError` on ingestion (7504)
7554ab6df [Model Monitoring] Fix controller performance - caching streams and feature sets (7494)
192545c46 [Model Monitoring] Avoid wrapping TDEngine operations in subprocess (7496)
3503007b5 [Model Monitoring] Add evidently logs in json load (7497)
1eb125f24 [Docs] Add description to create_model_monitoring_alert_configs docstring (7397)


Features / Enhancements
* **Docs**: Edit 05-model-monitoring.ipynb, 7491, tomerm-iguazio
* **Labels**: Validate labels, 7483, moranbental
* **Model Monitoring**: Improve the error message when accessing `sample_df`, 7478, jond01
* **Test**: Add test list runs with end time logs, 7484, alonmr
* **Requirements-automated**: Upgrade lock files, 7481, iguazio-cicd
* **Spark**: Avoid triggering jobs when checking if dataframe is spark dataframe, 7474, gtopper
* **Artifacts**: Raise an error when del_artifact tries to delete more than one artifact, 7465, moranbental
* **UI**: [Features & enhancement](

Bug fixes
* **Model Monitoring**: Fix connection between offline model endpoint and function, 7468, Eyal-Danieli
* **Model Monitoring**: Fix avoid sending the controller duplicate events, 7477, royischoss
* **Workflows**: Fix condition for remote file validation, 7488, Yacouby
* **Demo**: Fix artifact key in, 7486, tomerm-iguazio
* **Model Monitoring**: Fix child function monitored when `set_tracking()` is applied, 7455, royischoss
* **Spark**: Fix warning on ingest with spark 3.5, 7482, gtopper
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](

Pull requests:
78aff2128 [Model Monitoring] Fix connection between offline model endpoint and function (7468)
32524712e [Docs] Edit 05-model-monitoring.ipynb (7491)
bec1733f7 [Model Monitoring] Fix avoid sending the controller duplicate events (7477)
36c05da7c [Workflows] Fix condition for remote file validation (7488)
0bb706c91 [Labels] Validate labels (7483)
e3323d1c4 [Model Monitoring] Improve the error message when accessing `sample_df` (7478)
4ed818f5d [Demo] Fix artifact key in (7486)
756ba51b1 [Test] Add test list runs with end time logs (7484)
5b5bfc04a [Requirements-automated] Upgrade lock files (7481)
997d30eae [Model Monitoring] Fix child function monitored when `set_tracking()` is applied (7455)
7a67e9114 [Spark] Fix warning on ingest with Spark 3.5 (7482)
eaef4f39a [Spark] Avoid triggering jobs when checking if Dataframe is Spark Dataframe (7474)
e8fce7d1b [Artifacts] Raise an error when del_artifact tries to delete more than one artifact (7465)


Features / Enhancements
* **CI**: Bump release-required dependencies, 7479, alonmr
* **Docs**: Scaling model monitoring applications, 7396, alxtkr77
* **Application**: Don't log query params in reverse proxy, 7471, TomerShor
* **Tutorials**: Deploy a custom histogram application in batch infer tutorial, 7469, jond01
* **Unknown**: Revert "[model monitoring] mask out v3io access key from functions yaml", 7472, alxtkr77
* **Model Monitoring**: Mask out v3io access key from functions yaml, 7457, alxtkr77
* **Alerts**: Add limit to list alert configs, 7460, TomerShor
* **Docs**: Add how to install mlrun ce on aws, 6959, jillnogold
* **UI**: [Features & enhancement](

Bug fixes
* **Model Monitoring**: Fix querying `last_request` with 150+ model endpoints, 7463, Eyal-Danieli
* **Tests**: Fix leftovers of 'get features' deprecation, 7461, alxtkr77
* **Runs**: Fix end time fsp, 7462, alonmr
* **Docs**: Fix format in aws install, 7427, jillnogold
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](

Pull requests:
b434e35c2 [CI] Bump release-required dependencies (7479)
391541771 [Docs] Scaling model monitoring applications (7396)
6cb349387 [Application] Don't log query params in reverse proxy (7471)
3bce20eb7 [Tutorials] Deploy a custom histogram application in batch infer tutorial (7469)
086b8463f Revert "[Model Monitoring] Mask out v3io access key from functions YAML" (7472)
fdb4d562e [Model Monitoring] Mask out v3io access key from functions YAML (7457)
5eeec1a36 [Model Monitoring] Fix querying `last_request` with 150+ model endpoints (7463)
78d7548fb [Alerts] Add limit to list alert configs (7460)
afa0cbd14 [Docs] Add how to install MLRun CE on AWS (6959)
efa765901 [Tests] Fix leftovers of 'get features' deprecation (7461)
e8385e33f [Runs] Fix end time fsp (7462)
ecd9b32ff [Docs] Fix format in AWS install (7427)


Features / Enhancements
* **Runs**: Use sql now() function to calculate end time, 7453, alonmr
* **Model Monitoring**: Store `last_request` value in v3io kv, 7459, Eyal-Danieli
* **Tests**: Support list/dict in env.yml, 7451, assaf758
* **FeatureStore**: Accommodate the deprecation of get_offline_features(), 7448, alxtkr77
* **Requirements-automated**: Upgrade lock files, 7444, iguazio-cicd
* **Unknown**: Revert "[deprecations] align artifact output parameter names ", 7446, TomerShor
* **Deprecations**: Align artifact output parameter names, 7422, Yacouby
* **UI**: [Features & enhancement](

Bug fixes
* **Serving**: Fix serialization and deployment of new model class, 7377, gtopper
* **Serving**: Fix ``, 7445, gtopper
* **Tests**: Fix vectordb and alarms system tests, 7449, alxtkr77
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](

Pull requests:
636cd70a5 [Runs] Use SQL NOW() function to calculate end time (7453)
a8f5c3f13 [Model Monitoring] Store `last_request` value in V3IO KV (7459)
ca132deb7 [Serving] Fix serialization and deployment of new model class (7377)
b6d6682bf [Tests] Support list/dict in env.yml (7451)
ca2674255 [Serving] Fix `` (7445)
1b9968383 [FeatureStore] Accommodate the deprecation of get_offline_features() (7448)
c4bde19f5 [Tests] Fix vectordb and alarms system tests (7449)
183f8db07 [Requirements-automated] Upgrade lock files (7444)
2bfbeb789 Revert "[Deprecations] Align artifact output parameter names " (7446)
f926759a4 [Deprecations] Align artifact output parameter names (7422)

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