* [539dbc8]( Fix typo in template of releasenotes.
* [0a77df4]( Export release directory to upload suitable files.
* [59e55c5]( Export global variables for travis.
* [6c02f99]( Adjust env variable list.
* [b975a1b]( Adding gh-release script.
* [2d737b9]( Specify the file of coverage to inform to codecov.
* [a8c2034]( Update version and activating rest of python venv versions.
* [0aa5071]( Reset version to 0.0.1.
* [158d545]( Removing first and last quotes in release notes.
* [8780218]( Adding after_success task in travis to export coverage.
* [8cb2766]( Adding codecov configuration.
* [158b017]( Last attemp using release deploy stage of travis.
* [09d4798]( Testing release by using travis, wait write file operation.