**🆕 New functionality**
With thanks to [Tom in the MLOps Community](https://mlops-community.slack.com/archives/C0227QJCDS8/p1687777412934619) for the feedback:
* List all the states that have been set for a specific model with `get_model_states(self, domain: str, model_id: str)` [255](https://github.com/operatorai/modelstore/pull/255).
* Delete model states that are unused with `delete_model_state(self, state_name: str, skip_prompt: bool = False)` [251](https://github.com/operatorai/modelstore/pull/251).
**🐛 Bug fixes & general updates**
With thanks to [Tom in the MLOps Community](https://mlops-community.slack.com/archives/C0227QJCDS8/p1687777412934619) for the feedback:
* Model store cleans up temporary files that it generates, even if downloads or uploads are cancelled mid flight [258](https://github.com/operatorai/modelstore/pull/258).
And thanks to [Michael in the MLOps Community](https://mlops-community.slack.com/archives/C0227QJCDS8/p1695397710224629) for the feedback:
* Model store no longer creates its `artifacts.tar.gz` in the `os.getcwd()`, which was preventing modelstore from being used for parallel uploads [266](https://github.com/operatorai/modelstore/pull/266).