What's Changed
* Fix pylint issues by Kapil-Kawathekar in https://github.com/cetcs92/module-scanner/pull/14
* identify/exclude local repo imports by mgrajesh1 in https://github.com/cetcs92/module-scanner/pull/15
* Added check to return quietly if the path does not exist by Muhammadwasi in https://github.com/cetcs92/module-scanner/pull/17
* Replace regex with AST to discover import statements by mgrajesh1 in https://github.com/cetcs92/module-scanner/pull/18
* Added code to ignore venv, .git directories by mgrajesh1 in https://github.com/cetcs92/module-scanner/pull/21
* Exclude local modules by mgrajesh1 in https://github.com/cetcs92/module-scanner/pull/22
New Contributors
* Kapil-Kawathekar made their first contribution in https://github.com/cetcs92/module-scanner/pull/14
* Muhammadwasi made their first contribution in https://github.com/cetcs92/module-scanner/pull/17
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/cetcs92/module-scanner/compare/0.0.2...1.0.0