Version 0.3.0 is a major overhaul of the backend code.
- Upgrade to latest version of the MongoDB C driver (0.98.0).
- ``monary_connect`` now takes a MongoDB URI or hostname and port. See the
`connection string documentation
<http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/connection-string/>`_ for more
- Monary can now freely cast between integer and floating-point values.
- Debug messages are suppressed by default.
- ``datehelper`` now allows negative timedeltas and time values to represent
dates before the epoch.
- Monary objects no longer support the ``authenticate()`` method, which is a
breaking change. If your code relied on ``authenticate()``, you must now
include the username and password in the MongoDB URI passed into the Monary
Authentication now occurs when a connection is made.
Issues Resolved
The new connection format fixes a `bug
where connection failures or invoking the constructor with
``monary.Monary("localhost")`` would cause a segmentation fault.