- A github workflow to upload automatically to PyPI on tagging.
- Help string and default value (``[]``) for the ``transformers`` option.
- Help string and default value (``raw``) for the ``formatter`` option.
- The option to provide input from a file (``-I``) or to connect to a database
- A new obfuscation method (``--transformer obfuscate``). The old method has
been renamed to mask: ``--transformer mask``.
- A boolean that distinguishes between development and production modes. In
development certain exceptions get propagated.
- Rudimentary handling for SIGINT: A friendlier message is shown.
- A reference to non existing arguments that prevented startup (18).
- A data leak under the obfuscation transformer when exceptions happened.
- A data leak under the obfuscation transformer of UUIDs.
- Formatters now return strings instead of printing them. Printing happens on
the main loop.
- The JSON formatter is now the default.